
"mirror so the doctor can look at himself" - the 'so he can look at himself' might seem redundant, but he is a giant narcissist so proves an excellent point.

There should be markers like:

I thought that they did the first hour of it pretty well. I would have liked for a Jonathan Kent-Orion hybrid to help in taking down Darkseid/Lionel Luthor, but that's mainly because Orion is awesome and that whole easy destruction of the bow thing last episode was lame. Also, if they're going with daddy issues, if

I know, it's a line from a movie though...franks and beans.

Now is this art deco or nouveau?

You, begrudgingly, watch something that you half-heartedly want to watch. I find it always feels like a chore.

B5 is on Instant Watch, Smallville isn't but it's up there. I'm too cheap to pay for DVD's(plus I'm a germaphobe)

1) Who hated The X-Files?

Any other Star Trek?

It's not really retro if it never went out of style.

Do you have Snake, Rattle, and Roll?

Craig Engler's twitter name is @Syfy and he regularly answers fan questions about upcoming shows and decisions like this.

So it'll be like The Rikers sitcom, but done in the Family Guy vein? Okay.

I reject this article.

Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter are both quality movies....even T1000 couldn't save Double Dragon though. Super Mario Bros. remains one of my favorite movies of all time, how it didn't get a sequel with the perfect set-up is beyond me...

I'm always looking for not an easy way out, but a way out that doesn't require much work on my part.

As they should evangelize harder, their devotion and prayer saved us fortunate are we that so few will campaign for us.

Anyone know if my 867 Mhz G4 powerbook, 1.12gb RAM will be able to run it?