
My issue with Sparrow is that it makes you enter the address of the person you're emailing first thing. Anyone who's been around (i.e., sent a dumb, unfinished email) knows you always enter the address field last!

I think the draw is that it's free, so in theory, you don't even need a messaging plan.

Thank you, sir, for speaking up as someone in a profession that makes it difficult to do so. I hope there are more like you out there, so that "macho" sports can catch up to the rest of the rational world.

I was wondering what the proper title for one's head would be, as well.

I'm obviously a bad person, because I actually laughed out loud at this.

I have nothing to contribute except: THANK YOU. is my favorite weather site, but it's not as comprehensive as Stormpulse.

Off topic, but I *really* wish IFTT would support Skydrive. I just moved my pictures there after being ignored by SugarSync's customer service.

Really? Well then, I accept your knowledge. ;) Good to know.

This exactly. Build maybe three fewer bomber jets and there, you've paid for both.

Exactly! Bar graph, people; bar graph.

Or Chick-Sool-Oob, is my understanding. But tomato, tomahto, etc. ;)

Not to be that person, but it's actually "Chicxulub." #corrections

Wrong article, sorry.

If you click the gear and then "More mail settings," there's an option to use Gmail keyboard shortcuts.

Or possibly that it's the shiny new thing, so people are playing with it. :)

Is this what you're looking for?

The commenters here are better, though. Which, granted, isn't saying much. ;)

If you're poor like me, the free Cydia app "App Stat" will do the same thing, but it's not as pretty.

Weather Underground has a great app for iOS.