
If you use iOS and/or Mac, Due is my favorite todo/reminder app. It's easy and fast and I evangelize it everywhere. iOS link is It's worth the $5.

Does anyone else use Xpandr (Cydia tweak for jailbroken iOS)? I've been using it since iOS4, and I wonder if there are any advantages to using Xpandr vs. the native iOS expander, or vice versa.

Yeah, I think it was just updated this afternoon. :)

There's also Browser Changer, from Big Boss. It does the same thing, just thought it's good to have choices!

This is incredibly cool. We live in interesting times.

It's actually called iOS 6 Photos Menu, if that helps.

I hope it does. Maybe I need to learn to write extensions. ;)

Thanks! That's the one I'm using now, actually. Now the only thing I'm really missing are a couple of add-ons for Reddit that Chrome has. I don't think they exist for Opera, though. :( Too bad.

Thanks for the reply! I think I figured it out. I think it's the ad-blocker extension I have, even though I disabled it for this site (or I thought I did). Weird. I guess I'll find a new extension that's less idiot-proof, since apparently I can't figure out how to use this one. ;)

Thanks! I did manage to do that. So far I'm liking Opera, but the right side of LH still doesn't show up. I've never seen that happen and I've tried every other major browser at one time or another. Wonder what the difference is?

There is! Thanks for reminding me; you download it from their site and I'd forgotten that. And on Windows LH seems to be working fine. Hmm, now to find a way to import bookmarks and we might be getting somewhere.

Testing Opera now. I really like it, but I'm missing Hover Zoom and Social Fixer for Facebook, along with a couple of other add-ons. Also, I can't get the LH blogroll on the right to show up, even after disabling Notscripts and Adblock. But it's so close to being something I could use...

Yeah, it's not too big in my current field either. Which points me to the fact that I should see if it's big in the field I want to get into. Hmm, homework for me. Thanks for the thoughts!

Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Thanks. I don't think I qualify as truly elite yet ;) so I guess time to dust off the profile.

Looks like Lilly Pulitzer did the decor in here. SO MUCH PINK...

A little off-topic, but is it a bad thing (in terms of getting a job) not to have a LinkedIn profile?

The ones I haven't seen mentioned:

Grooveshark has a mobile site that you can bookmark just like you would the app. It has most of the features of the full site, free.

Thanks - I could, but I'm already dual-booting Ubuntu with Vista, and my computer is kind of aged (circa 2007). If I get really curious about 8 I'll probably try a virtual machine. From what people are saying, it's not worth even trying, but I'm always curious about shiny new things. :)

You guys are probably right. Windows isn't my main OS anyway. Thanks for the advice.