
I came here for this purpose as well.

I’ll never understand the hate for Hathaway. She’s so wonderful in every film I’ve seen of her.

Oh! No. It’s because I don’t particularly like the women I work with. :( They’re all very dumb and bad.

even if you know the things that you’re asked about, recalling them on the spot is hard.

Yep, it and employs basically the same logic that led the Afrikaaner church to create Apartheid. If you’re claiming that earthly success is a sign of God’s favor, the implied message is also that if you’re poor, you’re on the G-man’s shit list. And if you’re on His holy shit list, why should any of us care about

He’s not the only Republican just finding out what his job entails....

If that’s a ‘bit of a belly’ then I’m having quads.

She... doesn’t look pregnant at all? THAT’s considered pregnant? I... want to get off this planet.

hrm. i had always thought of him as an ass man.

My thought on this is, only one can have body autonomy, the woman or the fetus. You give the right to the fetus, you take it from the woman.

Legally one cannot be compelled to donate one’s body or body parts medically. If the developing zygote/embryo/fetus is legally a distinct person, the state ought not be able to compel a person to donate her liver, kidneys, hear, bladder, uterus, intestines, etc to its upkeep. If it is not a legally distinct person,

When should we have mandatory donor-match screening and mandatory organ and tissue donation? People - many of them innocent children and babies - are dying every day for the lack of a kidney or enough blood. If we force people to donate a kidney if they are a match, many lives can be saved. Most people can get along

THANK you. This argument gets so bogged down in when “life” begins, and is abortion “murder,” and really it’s all a bunch of noise. Do you believe people have the fundamental right to decide who gets to use their body, and for what, or don’t you?

Everyone has a right to bodily autonomy. Parasitic cells protected by the state are denying a woman that right.

Maybe go up to pro-lifers and say, “Oh, you want to help stop abortions? Me too, and I’d love your help on this. Let’s implement comprehensive sex education in schools, increase the availability and affordability of birth control and work together to reduce poverty and increase working women’s wages so that there

I think the more applicable comparison isn’t the kidney or the dead person...it’s the life of the person who will die without that kidney. If you believe that a person must consent prior to their death in order to have their kidney save another life then why does a live person have less say? You can force a live woman

The explanation that cleared it up for me is this: The government cannot coerce you into saving someone else’s life by forcing you to donate an organ (kidney, liver, even blood which is super low risk). This is generally seen as a basic human right, not just a good principle to live and govern by. The government

Bingo. I have a friend that is anti-choice. I genuinely want to speak to her and understand where she is coming from. Unfortunately it always ends the same way:

Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.