I, like many others, haven’t been able to stop thinking about that block. I’m obsessed with it. It’s been playing in my mind over and over again ever since I saw it[...]
Why can’t the Gawker writers reconstitute under the Clownfister banner over at Medium? If Simmons is worth $9M/year, surely someone will pony up $9M for the lot of you.
Say that american juice played An important role with African-american struggles
In the article, Simmons says he acted like a “brat” at times. In his apology, he labels himself a “jackass.” Dude is 46 years old. How does anyone hand him $7M-$9M/year to run anything? He’s a narcissistic prima donna, who, while having an eye for talent, clearly lacks what it takes to interact with other…
Watching the longer clip, it doesn’t appear Lebron was upset that Kyrie said “switch” but that he didn’t read from the script laying on the table. As Kyrie continues to answer the question, he consistently looks down at the paper and, in the course of answering, says “switch.” In other words, Lebron seems agitated…
Who’s in the front of the line to head over to “The Ringa”?
Can someone please make Raiders to Mexico City happen? Guys laying hits like Burfict against the Raiders at home would be executed by a cartel before the team bus left the stadium. Goodell would be called to a meeting where it would be explained that the Raiders would play in the next five Super Bowls.
JHC! People need to get lives. Who cares if a team relocates? If it means that much to someone not personally affiliated with the organization, it suggests that they don’t have enough going on . You can watch the Rams just as easily if they’re in LA then if they’re in St. Louis; HD quality is all the same. What,…
Boomer and Carton were discussing this morning, saying there was a WEEI tweet (since deleting) reporting that Jones had been at Gronk’s house. Also, they discussed it in the context of a possible suicide attempt, again, apparently going off WEEI reporting.
Obviously Peter the Great has not spent much time around youth, high school or college football. Live somewhere where football is not even that competitive compared to other parts of the country, and the coaches f-you 10 and 11 year olds, basically telling them how much they suck. NFL players are those who have run…
Clemens was accussed of lying to Congress, and a jury found him not guilty on all counts. The Court of Appeals overturned Bonds’s conviction. That said, accepting conventional belief that Clemens starting using PEDs when he went from the Sox to the Blue Jays, his pre-PED career would not warrant Hall admission. Same…
When you hear stat geeks carp on how errors are a bad way to measure defensive quality (or lack thereof), games like tonight’s are one of the prime reasons why.
“Warm sports drinks? Give me a fucking break.”
$1,000 ‘bounty’ for first guy who sacks Wilson then mimics drinking a bottle of water.
Ballers don’t install video systems to provide police evidence of their charged crimes.