Gambit is one of the coolest characters ever. You sir are dead wrong.
Gambit is one of the coolest characters ever. You sir are dead wrong.
I was going to say, "and if they don't finish high school with a 3.0?" My guess is, there will be conversations had around the kitchen table exploring other options, like military service.
I feel very unsafe now.
I barely passed high school Pre-Cal. You lost me at "Arctans". : ( I think I get the gist of what you're saying though.
Don't forget the zombie lesson plan. You have that going for you. Oh and the excellent taste in tunes!
The be (somewhat) fair, that waterway has a walking path right along its edge. Well, halfway up the path, there are these train tracks crossing perpendicular to it that go across the bridge and onto the other side. In order for them to continue that walkway, they've actually made a pedestrian-only crossing across the…
Having been there (pics below) there aren't that many warning signs. That said, any person with a functioning brain should know not to go on obviously active train tracks across a bridge.
"What kind of operating system does it use"
I actually have this case, I am quite fond of it, the wiring is nice and easy to hide and is a nice roomy case to boot
I mean the one time you may need credit is if you have an unexpected house leak that needs to be fixed and your car just broke down and you don't have enough money to fix them both. For most people, especially in the consumer minded US here, they want new things NOW. It is like those crazy buyers at Best Buy every…
True. I mean what if it is a guy and he has dynamite areolas? I need to know who to be jealous of.
Deer? Weak. Dinosaur Hunting is where it's at:
I'm polite and reasonable until I have to deal with Comcast customer service. Fuck those guys.
We need to send the downtown Atlanta street bike contingent to New York to try this. It would make Atlanta safer.
With radar, in Georgia, they still have still show you your speed if you ask for it. With laser or LIDAR they do NOT have to show you. Those can be referenced, GA code/laws is published online linked off the legislature website. Many agencies use radar more than people think. Unless they are pointing something that…
Don't forget the ridiculous Less-safe DUI in Georgia. Basically if you admit to ANY drinking, ie blow like a .02, you can still be arrested for a Less Safe DUI and get almost as stiff of penalties. Thanks MADD.
We found that 2 week sprints were too short. The overhead of the sprint planning meeting, post mortem meeting, sprint presentation meetings and so on are too large a percentage when it comes to a 2 week sprint. When doing a 3 or 4 week sprint, those same meetings are pretty much the same length, but they're half the…