Ifailedcalculus (aka bob3rt)

You make a funny point. I think the OP might answer that you may not want to increase your perception of time at work; however, the little time you spend outside the office can feel like a bigger part of your life in retrospect if you do the things she listed.

This is why I didn't read it. Half the year, our office works a balls to wall, bat shit crazy 70+ hour a week. The other half, no one has any work and we all question our existence. I don't want to prolong that.

In addition to this (my thought as well) I've found some of this to be the opposite. When I'm learning and engaged days are short. When I'm sitting around bored on a really slow day..... the day feels plenty long thank you.

This game was absolutely hilarious. I can't wait. I loved this game, although it did kick my ass and I was 11 at the time but it was comedic gold.

I might, what's the link?