Ifailedcalculus (aka bob3rt)

Damnit Bang! We're engineers! Not physicists! You don't know what the repercussions would be! That might include Arctans and cosines! Then you have to integrate (shudder) to get the curve of the urine!

Let's be real though, are CSCI Zombie plans are much better with our state diagrams and flowcharts! The tunes...you got me there. Also there's kitten insulation!! How can we compete with that?

No..I NEED your job! Although I don't think they'll like me as much. I know nothing of flowers or numbers (I used to know about them at one time). So I think you'd be safe.

Yeah we would be! It'd be horrible. Next thing you know we IT guys would be going back and finishing our degrees in Math and Physics and taking your jobs! :D

Looks all fine and well compared to the last render. But I need to see dat ass.


I heard on the news ABC I think? She was legally blind and didn't notice the signs. however I cannot confirm. Can anyone else?

This might be the simplest game on this list — you try and identify every car on the road with you. The trick is to be the first person to ID a car from the farthest away. Very useful when you can make out the front lights of a Crown Vic at a half a mile.

The Wire-Fu is strong in this one.

Good old Bobby Tables.

Nope. Just one of those things you gotta use. English was my worst subject. don't let the screen name fool you. As long as there's a chance of something happening you have to use a weasel word somehow to have some guarantee.

"Please note: if you open a search result in another tab your keywords might be exposed"

but...but if I throw out those old pillows how will I ever finish building my fort?!

Very true. I just got an insanely large TV. Prepping for moving out up front. Buying items and furniture first, then get a place. This way I'm not in a hole. But to see that you owe money? I shudder at the fact that I have to give someone else money back. I paid in off in like 4 months. I could have paid up front.

From what I hear he's very reclusive and doesn't mind letting Trey take center stage. Some people just don't want to be in the limelight. Even though I am sure Matt contributes a ton, more than just voices.

In vein with this article it's like my personal finance teacher in college always said, "If you don't have the money to buy it up front, then you probably shouldn't be buying it."

Where's the TARDIS?

Okay the lambo was definitive speeding, but how stupid does the guy in the Mazda have to be not even to break before he turns left to even check for cars?

I remember my friend let me borrow that game for the PC. T-REX ONLY DIES WITH A SHOT IN THE EYE!

"In the case of music, it's a little different. We have a special part of our brain for music, so we can listen to music while we do other things."