Ifailedcalculus (aka bob3rt)

This is true. I was hit with laser on my ticket and they are under no law needed to show you according to my lawyer at the time. you can ask at any time, they can still show you. However the policeman officer who pulled me over was so angry I probably would have gotten ejected.

They don't have to tell you. I just got out of one these out of much deliberations. Just barely though. They also don't have to show you how fast you were going either. They used to though.

Being that my dad is a GM, and my brother is a salesman, my Uncle is a GSM. I Really do feel like car salesmen get a bad rap. Since I know most of them person to person. As I worked in the Parts department I got to know the techs as well (which people distrust as well).

I'd agree that they are too short. I'd prefer a longer sprint myself. However with the carousel of people they take a member off of each team to tackle a kanban board, I'm happy that I only have to be on that team for 2 weeks.


Short Answer: Yes.

I'm already been at work for 8+ hours...why do I want to think I've been here longer than that?!

for an extra 300 I'd think about buying lunch once a week, but I'm happy to sit in my little corner for just having a job in this economy and in my field as entry level out of college. An extra 300-500 would totally inflate my ego. Raises will come sooner than later hopefully.

Part of a deleted Scene from Pulp Fiction:

C++, C#, JavaScript, html (if you call that one), ASP.NET, SQL, you know the fun stuff.

Still a long ways in between. They are quite costly (as you know). Thanks for the offer, but at the moment I am a code monkey.

I...I didn't think anyone actually would. I need to set that up then.

Anyone want to help fund my kickstarter for my SANS courses?! eh! No? Damn it. =(

I do all of the same things here that you do, Talk to product management, write code, do UI work, do automated scripting (as well as manual that I write), and when it's my Turn on the wheel I talk to Product support.

I'm a programmer? /scoffs