I was saying Sonic Mania wasn’t a good game, it was a rehash of the best the series has had to offer in the Genesis days... that’s not groundbreaking or innovative in any way, it’s not Mario Odyssey.
I was saying Sonic Mania wasn’t a good game, it was a rehash of the best the series has had to offer in the Genesis days... that’s not groundbreaking or innovative in any way, it’s not Mario Odyssey.
I am. I never played Sonic games as a kid and jumping into Sonic mania, without nostalgia influencing my judgement, all I saw was a middling platformer that brought nothing new to an oversaturated genre.
Are you talking about the adequacy that is Sonic Mania or Sonic Forces?
I hereby declare Breath of the Wild the best Sonic game ever, it’s about time they made a good one.
Everyone one of you that have been complaining about Capcom abandoning Mega Man better buy this game.
Who made this and what did they do with the real Capcom? And could they do the same with Konami, please?
Mega Man X Collection AND Mega Man 11....colour me genuinely surprised that Capcom actually seems to be righting the ship they all but sank a few years ago.
On December 6, a new theme will be made available for the PS4 that will have your modern console’s dashboard looking…
Not to even marginally defend her but to be fair she hasn’t done anything outrageous or actively lessened the office she holds like literally every other fucker out of that family (to the best of my knowledge anyhow).
Ivanka is flotus.
They’ll shut down Respawn the second one of their games underperforms. They have a long history of doing this. Only a fool would accept an offer from EA at this point; I don’t understand why studios still do it!
Don’t eat Papa John’s. He’s still a racist, but he just wants to be less overt about it. It’s not for nothing that Nazi numbnuts chose his pizza
Season 2 was phenomenal....except episode 7. Episode 7 was terrible junk that doesn’t belong in this show AT ALL.
I’ll rewatch both seasons of Stranger Things over and over, but I’m never watching that stupid episode ever again.
Well you see, Shadowrun is cyberpunk with magic, and cyberpunk is just 70s/80s punk with technology. Punk is at the core of both. It’s kind of like saying that scoop of vanilla ice cream was an ice cream sandwich reference.
I have never been prouder to be an Australian.
Sonic World looks pretty awesome for a fan endevor.
Is there an eBook version? Really need to get this for my gf.
I think Daisy is the bane of my existence in Mario Kart. She’s always right there with me, calling out with “I’m Daisy!” as she taunts me. My wife has learned of my Daisy fueled anger so now she always picks her for Mario Kart on the Switch. She’s waging psychological warfare against me, and I think it’s working...
I agree. Jacob is far better than everyone except for Evie and Ezio.