
But we know he IS the same Link in all 4 of those games.

Ooooo yes she does.

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I mean.....Audiosurf turns you music into racetracks....

I’m not gonna bother playing it til a GOTY version including everything is out.
Properly supported, ongoing, Assassin’s Creed multiplayer coming back would be the only thing to make me keep playing for long periods of time beyond playing through and beating the game.
I LOVE the multiplayer in Brotherhood.

There are more Spider-Man games than games for any other hero....

This is primarily Spider-Man helping his friend, who happens to be a cop. And it’s a Spider-Man who has been around long enough that the cops respect him as a hero. OF COURSE they get along. They’re the ones rounding up all the criminals Spidey leaves webbed everywhere. They’re the ones backing him up when he takes on

For today that’s fair.
But when they came out, they were pretty big.

Honestly, Morrigan is incredible. Every time I see that picture I just have to stop and be impressed for a while.

Blizzard hasn’t made a great game in 18 years.
Or, maybe more accurately, Blizzard has NEVER made a great game.
Blizzard North made a couple of the greatest games of all time.
Seems that all the talent left when they shut down Blizzard North.

Blizzard has never shown the talent to pick up where Blizzard North left off.

If Breath Of The Wild only ends one timeline, it HAS TO BE the Wind Waker timeline. The evidence is massive and EVERYWHERE in BotW compared to evidence for the other 2 timelines, whose “evidence” amounts to little more than allusions.

But a merging of all 3 timelines probably makes the most sense. It’s boring, and kind

“not only because the company inexplicably sees the Switch as a “home” console (I haven’t docked mine since the 80s)“
What kind of complete fool doesn’t dock their Switch?
The Switch is infinitely better played on a TV especially with a Pro Controller. 

“The second part contains X5 through X8, which are all PS1 or PS2 games that struggle with the shift to 3D., Unless you’re a hardcore X fan, the first collection is all you need. And you do need it. I haven’t found anything since the original X games on SNES that have captured such a perfect mix of exploration and

Ah. She chose not to talk to AMC.... So clearly this was a “thorough” investigation.
And yet AMC is deciding to put him back on the air.....

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They both have great songs and okay songs, but NSP has more great ones.

Skyhill is more my style overall though.

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He’s a theoretical physicist, and he has a PhD. And he won’t let you forget it.

Good job at having no idea what you’re talking about.

Just that headline alone makes it automatically a billion times better than Destiny.

Pretty fucking dumb when all they’ve successfully done is pissed a bunch of people off and made people discuss how much they have no inclination to eat there.

Syntax is hard.