He is a blight on ALL films.
He is a blight on ALL films.
CONGRATS to anyone who was hoping for a Masters Of The Universe movie that might actually be good!
The movie actually stands a chance now!
Devastation has NOTHING on the Cybertron games.
It’s good, but both the series and the sequel are missing the punch that really made the original so damn great.
The first Little Witch Academia movie was better than the sequel or any the TV episodes I’ve seen, and she didn’t write that, so I’m sure they can replace her for the series.
Honestly, the only REAL hope for Sonic is if Nintendo finally just buys the rights.
Which won’t happen.
Yep. This dumb Zelda mod is now TECHNICALLY the closest we’ve ever gotten to a truly good Sonic The Hedgehog game.
Sonic is the series with the MOST wasted potential and MOST “second” chances.
I think SEGA is terrified of ever actually putting the work into doing a good Sonic game, because they know it would be a…
Ludicrously enough, this is TECHNICALLY the closest we’ve ever gotten to a truly good Sonic The Hedgehog game.
This is the closest we’ve ever come to the open world Sonic game set on Mobius/Knothole Village I’ve been saying they should make for YEARS.
No instanced levels
No realistic graphics
No realistic (or Final…
“Some people were a bit skeptical when Capcom showed off the new game’s 2.5D aesthetic last week, hoping for something a bit more retro.”
Those people are fucking idiots.
That said, if Owlboy guy wants to remake MegaMan 1-6 and 9 & 10 (ESPECIALLY 9 & 10, which got fucked over with that awful 8-bit crap), then I’d be…
Probably because she doesn’t look it at all.
She looks like she could be all sorts of different things.
Then you are a fool.
If you really loved it, you wouldn’t settle for anything but DeVito.
My the sounds of it, I’ll be buying a FUCKLOAD of MegaMan games next year.
Change of employment has been Mario’s thing forever.
He’s as much a plumber as he ever was, constantly climbing into pipes and clearing them of blocks and critters.
He started as a carpenter and has been pretty much every other job in the universe since then.
As for the coins and blocks.... *shrug* That makes exactly as…
Nope. We KNOW the Mario Bros are from New York City. That’s been solidly established and flat-out stated. No ambiguity.
Game manuals and Shigeru Miyamoto have confirmed that the original Mario Bros game takes place in the NYC sewers and that the brothers are Italian (presumably meaning Italian-American, but perhaps…
New Donk City doesn’t retcon anything because it doesn’t say where it came from or if Mario or even Pauline are from there. It BAAAAARELY even acknowledges that Pauline and Mario know each other, much less that they used to date.
It just makes it MORE muddled.
We STILL know for a fact that Mario is an Italian-American…
Rosalina is a long lost Mushroom Princess. Like Peach’s great great great great great great aunt, or something to that effect. She’s a core designstyle character. A human. She fits into the pantheon of plumbers, princesses, Toads, and Koopas.
Cappy and his sister are offshoot side characters of the type that are rarely…
If Zelda weren’t so fucking annoying in Breath Of The Wild, I might give a shit. But aside from Revali, she’s the biggest asshole in the game.
She really constantly treats Link like shit while he just stoically tries to do his job anyways.
Still the best.
You have to be pretty oblivious to miss the Pokedex entries that the game automatically shows you every time you catch something.
Especially since filling the Pokedex is the whole objective of the game.
And even so, the Pokedex stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.
There are dead Pokemon haunting graveyards, Mewtwo…