
Sooooo....he was hired because he was willing to do a shitty job?

Avengers is arguably the most influential movie in the history of movies.
It changed Hollywood’s entire approach to movie making. For better or worse, everyone is relentlessly chasing (and failing) the idea of their own cinematic universes.

The Incredible hulk was better than the first Thor movie....
It’s about on par with Age Of Ultron.

Yea.... there’s nothing anyone can say about Gotham that is worse than being or watching Gotham itself. Insulting it is just redundant.

This is just a Harley who has finally broken free from the Joker and become far more stable, and at the same time a bit more angry and bitter about where that leaves her in the world.

This article is just wrong.

It’s silly how much better this looks than Diablo 3.
Even unfinished bits of a fan-made D2 remake look more compelling than anything in D3.

That was Lucas being dead serious and having no fucking clue what he’s doing.

So, the lesson you should learn here is that you should always listen to me.
I’ve never been even close to fooled.

It’s roughly INFINITELY more comfortable.

The original Guardians of the Galaxy were from an alternate universe far future.

It would be irresponsible to NOT be waiting to use Dinosaur Laser Fight.
Dinosaurs, robots, aliens....having a laser fight.
That is EXACTLY Transformers.
(also sharks)

This would be THE BEST Captain Marvel news, if it turns out to be true.

It’s selling like CRAZY in the US.

Pretty impressive that the Game Grumps managed to pull this off.
Well, not Arin and Danny specifically, but their team.

This shit would drive me insane.
I want to paint the walls in my TV area Vantablack and eliminate ALL light that isn’t the screen.

That response is almost JK Rowling-level.

Go fuck yourself, mitch.

“criminally underrated Elektra film from 2005"
Are you high? 

And I’ll form the head!