
Until the plastic yellows, yes.
The physical design is much better, and the purple looks good.
The actual purple buttons vs rainbow buttons is a toss-up. One is classier, the other colorful.
The physical design of the other version is just boring and kinda shitty looking.

If they remade the American SNES in the Wii

The American SNES actually looked a hell of a lot better....
But I do want one of these. This is awesome.

The original was better, but who the hell even cares?

This is cool and all in a very generic way, but it doesn’t capture the essence of Baal. It lacks his creepiness, and his unique flair.

The original should be/logically is Saiyan God and this is Super Saiyan God.

Then it will disappoint you to know that mocking you is entertaining to me, and that making you look like a dumbass has just filled a couple seconds waiting in line at the bank.

So your argument is that other shit is cartoony, you’re playing a shitty game, and you’re willing to give Blizzard a pass on ruining the style that made Diablo great, and that fine just because a bunch of other idiots are doing it too?
Congrats. You are part of what’s wrong with the world.
You are the type of person who

That screen shot is straight out of D3 with some WoW parody HUD stuff slapped on top.
Which proves my point.
You’re some kind of art blind, and the HUD is enough to make you realize it looks just like WoW.

And no, those other screenshot don’t look like Path Of Exile.
They’re still crappy flat textures and fat chunky

D3's gameplay has a couple ways where it’s better than D2's but a MOUNTAIN of ways that it’s worse.

Diablo 3's concept art is decent. The in-game art sucks.
And no, it’s not nostalgia.

D3 just looks like WoW.
EVERYTHING has ambient colorful glows.
Big dumb shoulderpads, smooth crappy textures, big chunky geometry, stupid Final Fantasy-level or Warhammer-level overdesigned armor, etc etc.

Diablo 3 is cartoony, colorful, maybe vaguely dim, never dark.

The second paragraph under “Plot & Setting” immediatly describes every fundamental thing that Diablo 3 does wrong.

harassers donating amounts specifically to cause charges rather than donations and charge backs to cause financial fees”

It actually really doesn’t matter. The 40k universe especially is such a massive place that you could do a billion unrelated games and it not matter that they don’t crossover.
Warhammer Fantasy is also huge. Not THAT huge, but big enough.
Plus, a lot of games are footnotes from the existing 40k lore expanded into full


Of course you can’t sleep with Death.
Sleep and Death are brothers. That would be incest.

Also, now you know how Thanos feels.

For the record, Grant Walker isn’t so much a Bond villain as he is a direct dark parody of Walt Disney.

His appearance is based on Disney.

In 1966, the final year of his life, Disney drafted plans for Epcot, which would be a self-contained city. Walt Disney had continued working on the plans even until his illness

It would’ve probably been better, but still not good enough to coverup the dumb/loud slapstick comedy crap.

The original gave the movie enough rope to hang itself.
The recut didn’t.

The trailer for the original movie was perfectly fine.
MUCH better than the official trail for the new one.
Hell, I’d say it’s probably better than the fen cut version too.