
Funny, cause Meph is the one I like the least. He’s not supposed to be red, and what little flesh he has is pale, tattered, and stained by blood rather than being actual bloody flesh, his spine is supposed to be enlongated into a snake-like tail, and his horns aren’t supposed to be the same size as the whole rest of

They’re going to act confident no matter what, and they’re not going to admit they fucked up BEFORE BvS comes out, so this was inevitable even if BvS ends up being complete garbage and they end up replacing Snyder and Goyer IMMEDIATLY after the movie comes out.
Acting like Snyder is doing a great job and they’ll

Making bad decisions is par for the course with Fox’s attempts to handle Marvel’s properties.
Deadpool is some sort of weird super miracle.

It won’t surprise me AT ALL when Fox learns completely the wrong lessons from Deadpool and finds new ways to fuck up the X-Men movies.

That said, if ANYTHING deserved to be rated R,

Well obviously they’re not going to admit they fucked up BEFORE BvS comes out.... They’re not completely self destructive.

But if they stick with Snyder and Goyer....that’s a fucking terrible idea.
Snyder is super mediocre, and Goyer is complete garbage.
Snyder makes flashy insubstantial junkfood-level movies, and Goyer

They have mindless fanatic consumers willing to buy any BS they sell. That’s all they really have going for them that’s of any note.

There aren’t ANY actual reasons Apple products are popular.
Reasoning really doesn’t enter into the Apple customer equation.

Don’t blow on games. It’s bad for them.

Door stop.

The ones I know very well might.

Fallout 4 and Battlefront?

Seeing as Dishonored is the onlyy great game ANY part of Bethesda has made in ages, and that’s Arkane’s doing, I’m not looking forward to anything but Dishonored 2.

We should all be so lucky as to forget about Damien Wayne.

Cyndaquil is okay.
Typhlosion is generic.

Quilava is a sleek little fire ferret.

It’s generic as hell, and not even as cute as a real baby fox....

I applaud their noble efforts.

But is there a mod to make R. Mika’s character design not suck?

....Eh.... Not really, no. That’s basically her real name. Harleen Quinzel.
Her moniker is as much just a nickname for her real name as it is something that “coincidentally” kinda fits with Joker.

This is pretty average.

Now she can crossover to Marvel and hang out with Deadpool!

Fuck no. Taskmaster is way too good for Ward.
Ward should’ve died and stayed dead when Daisy filled him with lead.

You can’t stop pirates, only annoy them.