Nobody likes you either, kid.
Nobody likes you either, kid.
Read the whole thing.
As said, you have contradicted me in no meaningful way, and contributed nothing of meaning.
You have low standards.
Yea, I think that was just a glitch. I literally just now ordered one.....
One of the biggest disappointments in gaming since....pretty much ever.
Such MASSIVE potential for gloriousness turned into such utterly underwhelming mediocrity....
A tragedy.
You have contradicted me not at all and contributed nothing of meaning.
Good job.
D2's not infinitely better, just massively.
Not really, no.
“For many, this is just the latest sign that it’s time to give up on the burrito chain. I disagree. I refuse to be deterred by conventional safety. I will eat Chipotle until it fucking kills me.”
The first indication that this game might be worth a damn, and isn’t just a mundane fighting game boringly full of humanoid Pokemon.
Jesus.... That’d be like....4 feet tall.
Depends on if you want to play a game that is just an HD rehash of D2:LoD with worse mechanics, or not.
Want to see HD Tristram? Check
HD desert level? Check
HD Hell? Check
HD snowy battlefield? Check
It’s like they cut out the jungle level and tacked a Heaven level onto the end of D2:Lod instead.
As a bonus, all of the…
Step 1: Play Diablo 2:Lord Of Destruction
Step 2: Wish that there was a sequel to D2:LoD
Step 3: Remember that there IS a sequel to D2:LoD
Step 4: Play D3:RoS
Step 5: Remember why you quit playing D3 and forgot it existed
Step 6: Go back to playing D2:LoD and wishing someone would make a sequel that was actually a worthy…
The reason Empire, Jedi, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, and The Force Awakens are good is becasue Lawrance Kasdan wrote them.
Predictable ranking.
More accurately, A New Hope and The Force Awakens are about equal, and in a sense, Attack Of The Clones is actually kinda better than Revenge Of The Sith.
Clones has a few big isolated issues that can be MOSTLY cut cleanly from the movie.
Sith has problems woven into the whole movie that can’t be…
One of the dumbest things I’ve heard all day.
Really looks like Genzoman’s work....
Probably isn’t, but it looks like his style.