I’m just annoyed that they ruined the one good Final Fantasy setting - Ivalice.
I’m just annoyed that they ruined the one good Final Fantasy setting - Ivalice.
SOTN is far and away the best Castlevania game.
It just makes those that came before it look terribly primitive, even if SC4 is a pretty good game.
Fuck Konami.
The things Konami would have to do to get off my shitlist now are monumental.
Like, they’d have to put out new Castlevania and Suikoden games as good as Symphony Of The Night and Suikoden II....just to start.
The DBS character designs ARE worse, but these aren’t really the reasons.
The game was not designed for anything but topdown. You would have to completely reinvent the game for it to work.
That would completely ruin the game.
No no. Fuck you.
Unfortunately, I prioritise what’s right for the presentation of the game over making compromises to accomodate problematic schedules.
But again, the ideal solution would be the rumored Nintendo NX being a hybrid console/handheld, or something like a PS4/PSVita Remote Play combo (and actually, with the PSVita being…
Aside from Diablo 3 and Destiny, I can now fully agree with this list.
Diablo 3 might be a good game, and it might be good on its own, but if you’ve played Diablo 2:Lord Of Destruction you just can’t avoid noticing how much less cool the classes are, how much more the character leveling and powers system is, and how…
If the NX is a hybrid console and handheld, sure. Perfect.
But if it’s one or the other, console completely trumps handheld.
I in no way need stereoscopic 3D for Chrono Trigger.
The closer it is to an HD version of the original top-down 2D RPG graphics, the better.
If I’m playing an RPG, I’m going to pay attention to it.
RPG’s aren’t a thing to cram in half-assed when you have a spare moment.
Fuck handhelds. This deserves full HD and huge screens.
The Wii U is kinda doing the same thing. the Wii U is almost a must have console. It has FANTASTIC games.....but just not a ton of them, so when you run out you need something else....
It’s a weird position for a console to be in.
Don’t get me wrong, Ocarina is good, but you’re right that Link To The Past IS a better game than Ocarina. Demonstrably so.
Egoraptor did a pretty good job with it:
Hi. I’m a game developer.
You completely fail to understand how any of this works.
You’ve completely missed the point.
Except that back then there was a reason for it.
Game cartridges were expensive. Discs cost peanuts.
$60 games isn’t really a problem so much as incomplete games and DLC bullshit.
Games used to WORK and they were COMPLETE back in the SNES days.
Super Star Wars on PS4???
Was that ever even on the PSX in the first place????
Could’ve sworn the whole Super Star Wars series was only on SNES....