
He’s a force of nature by necessity, not choice.

Is that when he went to the Ultimate Universe and fused with his Ultimate counterpart, Gah Lak Tus?

This will probably change. They JUST had a survey about what features people wanted.
This was on the list.

You named her Athena. She thinks she’s a Greek war goddess.

Because it was always coming to the Wii U, but people are retarded and kept saying NX, so they had to come out and hammer this home for all the idiots.

She’s a a Warriors game......
They’re all used the same.
They showed her gameplay.

I wouldn’t rule out the new Zelda as having multiple playable characters.
The landscape of Nintendo’s understanding of the Zelda universe and the attitude of the game industry in general has changed a LOT since Skyward Sword.
Zelda, Shiek, and Impa have become HUGELY popular as playable characters in both Hyrule

I won’t rule out the new Zelda having multiple playable characters (maybe including Linkle, Zelda, Impa, and others who’ve become VERY prominent recently), but there will never be a female Link.
At least not any time remotely soon.
No chance in hell.

Linkle has been around a while.
She’s Link’s little sister.

It’s not female Link.
Pay attention.

She was designed to be Link’s little sister.

Points to Ravenclaw for being smarter than like 90% of the Internet that is talking about this right now.

Where are my playable Octolings, dammit?

Those are their tentacles, and the hair on the back of their head plus their 2 arms and 2 legs are their 8 squid arms.
(Squid have 2 long tentacles and 8 arms)

Not actually a female version of Link.
Blond, dresses in green, and named similarly. That’s pretty much where the similarities end.
She was originally designed to be Link’s little sister (it remains to be seen if that’s still who she is, or if she’s just another random Hylian girl).

She’s literally the “Here, now shut

an improbable salvation at the hands of Doctor Doom
What’s improbable about the multiverse being saved by the smartest man on Earth/2nd most powerful sorcerer in the universe, who is constantly willing to do ANYTHING to be the savior in the bigger picture?

This is literally what Doom does.

He will sacrifice an

Comparing this to Okami is offensive.
You had me all excited for something good. :(

I like the Dragon’s Crown art well enough. It’s fine.

But THIS!???
What the shit even IS this???????!???!?!?!?!??

In most instances, like Captain Marvel, Thor, Captain America (Falcon), I’d agree, but for X-23....this IS her legacy.
She was created to BE the 23rd attempt to recreate Wolverine.
Wolverine is her clone father/brother/twin, and her friend and mentor.
With Wolverine dead, adopting her

What’s up with his wings?

People are really stupid.