
The most depressing thing I’ve seen all day.

“And now everyone thinks they have an idea how long I have been playing video games.” Since 1994?

I mean, I think I’ve been playing video games since 1988....

SimCity. In space.

So it’s Cities Skylines in space.

So it’s SimCity in space.

I want to crossbreed T-Rexes and Dilophosaurs.
Or Velociraptors and Ankylosaurs.
Or Spinosaurs and Stegosaurs.
Let me know when I can do THAT.

Again, you’re missing the point.
This isn’t about replacing controllers OR the M&K. This is about making M&K games compatible with sitting on a couch in your livingroom, and not needing a desk and full PC setup to play them.

You’ve missed the point entirely.
Controllers are shit at games that need a mouse and keyboard. This is a solution to bring M&K games into a controller format.

That’s the joke, plus the fact that Nathan Drake is literally just his voice.

No kidding.

I mean, Sjin craps out huge elaborate castles as background props that you barely even get to see, and I’m just using Sjin as an example, not saying he’s the best castle-builder around.

If I could still access the server (it’s on my friend’s PC), I’d post pictures of my Castlevania build.
Now THAT is an elaborate and

I mean, Sjin’s a castle-building superbeast.
Sjin must build some sort of castle like every month or so just on the side while he’s actually focused on something else entirely, and I’m pretty sure all of them are AT LEAST as good as the one this article features.

Is this article a joke?

There are 24 Colossi total. 8 unused in the game.

Technically there are 24 Colossi.
Only 16 are seen in the game.

I still want to see Super Saiyan 3 Nappa and Raditz.

I want High Moon to make another Cybertron game.....

“all signs pointed towards Transformers: Devastation being a massive disappointment.”

Mike, WTF are you talking about?!??
This is Platinum Games.
Platinum Games is incapable of making bad games.

Even with Nickelodeon half-assing support and then forcing them to rush the game out early, Platinum

God damn, that’s funny.