He didn’t actually MAKE the game. His fans did.... He just had some input and did voice acting for it.
He didn’t actually MAKE the game. His fans did.... He just had some input and did voice acting for it.
It’s not really less accessible that Super Mario Bros.
They’re both just platformers with a seemingly incoherent mishmash of stuff.
This one just happens to have a slightly more elaborate attempt at lampshading some of it with a story.
I disagree.
I’m no fan of Pew Die Pie by any means, but I’m not annoyed by his success either, the way a lot of people seem to be.
I watched Pewds, Dodger, Commander Holly, and Octopimp play this on Friend Zone the other day, and he talked about how it got made.
It was a bunch of his fans who started making it during a…
Now THAT is how it is done.
That’s the third dumbest thing I’ve heard all day (you have fierce competition from the rest of the internet).
MN9 was ready to be released....until they found those bugs at the last minute.
It was just one thing that threw everything else completely off.
There’s really nothing to explain. They found some bugs right before it was supposed to get released, so they’re fixing them.
Their Red Ash Kickstarter was supposed to be timed basically with the release of Mighty No. 9, because the dev team needs SOMETHING to work on until they start making money from Mighty No.9, but…
There was nothing shady about the delay. Bugs happen.
They just didn’t immediatly tell everyone it would be delayed until they had an idea of how long it would have to be delayed.
Normally I think people give Kotaku a hard time for no reason, but you’re genuinely pretty shit when it comes to reporting on Mighty No.9 and…
Wow. TIL Pocket Minecraft has something that’s BETTER instead of worse than something in real Minecraft.
“What attracted them to Until Dawn was a growing frustration with modern horror audiences. Fans today, they argued, have grown up in an age of genre deconstruction—Scream, Cabin in the Woods—and, as a result, feel smugly superior to the characters they’re watching.”
If those were actual glowing TRON stripes, I’d happily buy one (would prefer blue). But just pointless orange lines? That’s idiotic.
Rare is a person I can hate so quickly.
Wii U and PC are all the you need this generation.
I’ve literally got the cash for a PS4 just sitting here waiting for me to be able to justify getting one.... The money has been sitting on my desk for 2 years now.
A Trojan Horse isn’t a deal so good that you’d be insane to reject it, and then it happens to also come with something you need.
A Trojan Horse is a deal that you accept because it looks great, and then it turns out to be terrible.
So no.
Sony’s thing is almost the exact opposite of a Trojan Horse.
I guess an actual…
Why is 1st place the worst, and 3rd place is the best?
3rd looks like it could be a legit house.
2nd looks pretty great.
1st is a complete fucking mess that only very very very vaguely looks Japanese.
No texture packs involved.