If someone is sleeping next to a man, aren’t they already sleeping next to a dog?
If someone is sleeping next to a man, aren’t they already sleeping next to a dog?
Am I supposed to feel shamed because I care about the exploitation of women? You should feel shamed women are so low on your priority list.
I am vocal because I am disgusted the patriarchy is selling women this lie that allowing men unfettered access to their bodies is liberation and “good feminism.” Looking at…
I mean, there is a difference between having a opinions and judging another woman’s decisions, and trying to outright stop women from making choices you disagree with.
Fuck off, John.
I’m a feminist and I support reproductive rights and I don’t think that sex work, or prostitution, is an awesome career choice that we should all celebrate. No. No No. I’m in favor of whatever social services can make sex workers safe and preserve their health. I will advocate for all the girls and women who deal in…
Azealia Banks hasn’t been the best part of anything in her whole life, this video included.
Nailed it.
I couldn’t get through that movie. About 20 minutes in I smelled the distinct odor of white nonsense and bailed.
But White Saviour Nonsense is what gets filmmakers the Oscars, don’t you know?
I was eager to see the movie when it came out because I thought it was a true story... When I found out it was all fiction I was very much wtf.
please god tell me this is the end of everybody wanting to be like those mythological French Women that hack journalists write articles about, that never get fat and always dress better than us.
They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.
When I was a boy, Superman (Christopher Reeve) was everything to me. I am so fucking happy that girls today have their Wonder Woman.
Ah yes, that movie based on the famous comic books we all know and love, The Hunger Games.
Family stories are always strange. They make sense in the weirdass soup of genetics they’ve been marinating in for generations, but get goofy once they’re exposed to fresh air. I cannot imagine how strange it would be to litigate the details of my various family legends. What a bizarre thing for Rebel.
Ok, as a Disney person, there is an apartment in Disneyland, called the Disney Dream Suite, that VIPs and Disney big-wigs can stay at, that does have all sorts of cool, magical things that happen like twinkling star lights over the bathtub and pictures that come to life. So it sounds like Rebel got to stay in the…
This is tragic; and I feel so personally grateful that she spent her last years in leading a righteous cause. Had she and her husband not been medical professionals and assessed the situation, who knows how many other persons would have been fatally harmed?