did we read the same article? I couldn't disagree with you more. If anything, I feel like she made the process a lot less scary & made me feel less ashamed about getting the procedure if I wanted to.
did we read the same article? I couldn't disagree with you more. If anything, I feel like she made the process a lot less scary & made me feel less ashamed about getting the procedure if I wanted to.
Okay, so I just checked his instagram and he calls himself the tio (uncle) of her baby. So I'm starting to believe that the baby daddy is a sand snake... God I need a life.
True that
Is it passive aggression, anger, ironic anger, sarcasm, or any combo thereof that Kara is serving Sheeren? And...why?
So Lena Headey is pregnant w Pedro Pascal’s baby right? Sorry, slightly off topic!
Ickkkk. What is it about about misogynists wearing the mask of a feminist that makes them even creepier than straight up meninists? Fuck off Ben Schoen.
Another day, another time TaySwift makes herself out to be the victim.
I know! I had the exact same thought! This scene solidified my hatred for Pizzolatto.
Loved her and her music for about a decade now. Heck, my hubby is working on her new film now. But damn, that dumbass Cosby shit she spewed. By her logic, rapists are only rapists if they admit it.
True story: my best friend used to bombarde Shia with Even Stevens lines all throughout high school. He hated her, she loved him in half sarcastic way. It was a weird time.
i agree w Nicki but Tidal’s failure has more to do with the fact that Tidal was a failure
Good luck to you, Ive always enjoyed your posts!
That gif is perfect
Her face says “I’m 110 years old. You’ve been president for 7 years. The fuq did you make me wait?”
Yes, that’s exactly what I gleaned from her piece on Amy Pascal’s Amazon purchases. So brave.
Really? She seems awful to me.
Natasha is a uniquely unpleasant presence on Jezebel.