Of course the finale is up on HBOgo right now but isn't working on my Roku or my phone. Sigh.
Do I blame Time Warner, HBO, the fans or myself?
Of course the finale is up on HBOgo right now but isn't working on my Roku or my phone. Sigh.
Do I blame Time Warner, HBO, the fans or myself?
Yes, words are important. Which is why I think sarcasm is an inefficient way to communicate. But it seems to be the only way our generation likes to do so. (sad face)
Agreed. Please, no one lick a toilet bowl.
Be sure not to have the garbage disposal on when practicing, friend!
Apps to teach these skills? Sigh, I miss oral tradition.
Actually, the human mouth has far more bacteria than a toilet bowl, iPhone & vagine combined. So really, tongue kissing is far more gross than mouth to vagine.
Anybody know if the smell & presence of the smoke from an ecig is similar to an actual cigarette? Just curious, bc I have a feeling this ruling is unfair.
Again, hoping she DOES get roles, but I'm thinking that Hollywood won't know where to put her because there are so few roles for black females, especially non-Americans.
I love her but I fear she will get very few roles from here on out. I hope I'm wrong.
I'm sorry you have so much self-hatred. It made me so sad to read it. I don't even know you but I know for certain you don't deserve to feel that way about yourself. Loving yourself is so DAMN DIFFICULT! I share that struggle with you. And I send you virtual support & love MoeKatz! :)
Don't they look like hipster versions of themselves in that photo?
I see your point. I could argue it's only three sex scenes, but the focus is intensely only on the three women's bodies (as opposed to the men's) so there's that evidence for sure.
Personally, I'd love to see some sex scenes where the men are equally vulnerable and exposed, just for the sake of capturing reality.
I used to be a lot harsher on myself. I've also suffered a lot of depression and eating disorders etc. I send you good vibes on your road to recovery.
I know, body-shaming among women is so automatic, a lot of us don't even recognize it until someone points it out. It's an epidemic. We just gotta keep on fightin' on with love my sistah.
Free Advice: Ladies, no matter what size you are, [Thoughtfulness] needs to be a friend of yours PLEASE!!! Invest in [Thoughtfulness]! ��
Not ignoring the facts, weighing them. If you think that's worse than what he did to her and what he's done to countless others...well obviously I disagree with your perspective. Bitchy move? Hell yes. But in the scheme of things... Marty had it coming.
You know your audience and I applaud you!
The evidence is sort of mounting against Marty. All the yellow imagery plus his convenient ignorance in certain scenes. Which sucks cuz I too love Marty...really Woody. He is my spirit animal. Anyway I'm starting to think Rust's hiatus was carefully planned to entrap Marty.