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    @atlas: I thought he was saying people over the age of 15?

    @DaRealCaboose: Girls, i.e. Justin Beiber and any 'male' Disney spawn.

    @Theoutlet: Wouldn't you count the Call of Duty series as a FF-esque line of sequels and stories? We have WWII, modern and whatever the hell Black Ops is. They're all connected by gameplay and setting (war) but most have unrelated stories.

    @fratto: Richard Garriot has been to space..

    @TehJHawk: I thought it was a one-strap backpack at first, then I seen that the strap goes where your neck should be..

    @CowboyBebopCrew: They already are working on Sonic 4, a downloadable XBLA/PSN game.

    "They've reached the breaking point"


    @KingHippo: "Could this game BE any more brown?"

    @Xeo: And Zangief is one consonant away from 'grief'!

    97%? I learnt that from Joey yeeears ago.

    @Artheido: It looks to me like every other major American sport logo.. NBA, NFL, MLB, Hockey (not sure about that acronym). They just substituted black with blue.

    @Trailnutz: Do you hear that? It's the sound of the NZ TV Network laughing their asses off.

    @AcornPop: What a brilliant movie..

    @Killtacular: You really think they won't use both? EA is pretty committed to Project $10. This, I think, is a bonus for sales.

    @UweBollocks: Pokémon. Absolute genius when I was young and I've got each subsequent generation.

    Get her a huge selection of cheese. All the toasties you can eat!

    @orijimi: It's been there these past few game releases. I subjected myself to it once.. never again.