
I lasted 9 seconds listening to that song. Anyone got me beat?

Deadspin is not your freshman philosophy seminar. Just FYI.

I bike to work almost every day, and firmly believe that these people make my ride more dangerous. I can't believe some of the shit in this video.

At the rate new people have moved into SF and displaced so many people, it is probably fair to say that a lot of them haven't been there before.

Eh, maybe that's too long for a headline.

Yeah, I mean, just to forestall comments to this effect, we think that Torii Hunter is wrong on this subject, and that while he has every right to express his opinion, his opinion is garbage.

This is inaccurate and I think less of you.

And knowing is half the battle.

A lot of the credit actually goes to the Denver Post. Just passing along the info so folks outside of Denver know what's going on.

Argentina. So sore for losing. Even after WWII the Nazi sore losers went there.

Hah. No, Disney would just annihilate the NFL. They work on a completely different corporate level. The NFL can't get a football team into LA. Disney gets enormous theme parks built in China. IN CHINA. That involves working a system that Goodell couldn't even begin to comprehend.

If you can't stand Hannity, how do you know he does this before every break?

Yeah, if it wasn't for your pundits and your politicians, I think a lot more people would be willing to give the Republicans a try.

30-something?!?! They all look a hard 40.

"I can see how men who like to play with hoses could be a distraction."

Parents Night is dreadful. Last year I was singled out by a teacher in a room full of judgmental parents because my 3rd grader, for the "art show", drew a picture of a chicken giving a horse a hand-job. Seriously. I have the photo prove it if you provide me with an e-mail to send it. When I got home, I feared

Simply astonishing. My father is blind. My parents (who have been married for 38 years) raised me to adapt and try to understand his reality. I was given the responsibility to be his eyes as young as 6 years old. He and I walked to the hardware store to buy such things as a saw and sized screws, rode the bus and

Where's this outrage for Hard Knocks? Seems like a pretty big distraction, IMO.

*The group decided to report the body once they realized that nowhere on his body was a Johnny Chimpo tattoo

exactly, thank you. the best 10K i ever ran was exactly like this. we just went after it like crazed men. sprinting the last quarter mile, after trading places for the mile before the finish. i finally said "it's yours." and dropped back two steps. he got first, i got second in our age group, fourth and fifth