
An American is an American is an American.

[Meb Keflezighi celebrates his victory in the 118th Boston Marathon. AP Photo/Charles Krupa.]

You're right, that doesn't sound remotely Native American whatsoever.

Seems like a distinction without a difference.

No...he said, "Is that legal? Tender?"

It's always fun to spring a huge surprise on a family member and then let the dogs into the picture.

It's not wrong if the kid's just removing the nuts in the photo, having loosened them when the truck was on the ground.

You think that's bad? You should see the guys in Genie's Army.

Why does that matter if the cause is just?

C'mon man, you had staph RIGHT there!

The 1994 World Cup in the US still holds the attendance record at 3,587,538, even though that tournament was 52 games versus 64 since 1998. The lowest attended match was still higher than the average attendance in South Africa and our average attendance outstrips other tourneys by about 19k.