
@Batman: Nope, the game only normally allows 256 lives! :( I believe it also only allows 256 coins per level. But, the question was asked as if there were no limits to each. It's a really neat problem because most games allow you to get infinite lives through some method or another, but not so with SMB2!

Not that this has anything to do with TGS, but...

Jedi dorm rooms? Okay, I'll run with it:

@Nawara_Ven: Just as long as he didn't say that all pictures of girls under age 18 are on the Fritzl.

An excellent read, as always. Comments/thoughts/(maybe) rhetorical questions:

Dunce caps! Sounds fun. My inner-dialogue response to trolls is much more low-tech:

When it comes to record sales,

@lonewanderer: Made it up myself, on the spot, good sir. :)

Oh wow! I'm really excited, thanks!

@roughneck117: They certainly aren't my quotes! I just did the matching! Here's the cheat sheet of the real people, in order:

@Nerubasasin19: They are all quotes from actual famous people. I just attributed them to game characters instead!

—Famous Quotes Misattributed—

Wait, so hit it, and then get paid?

@Tyrunn: It could have been inside as the box was sealed. But, neither is a shipping container truly 'sealed'.

Schrodinger’s Zombie

They call it 'yaeba'.

Inner monologue - Dougan McBride, 2nd Place, Duelist Championships

The Fallout 2 graphic novel failed because it just didn't translate as well into story.