
Oh, Tim! Reactions/thoughts/maybe-rhetorical questions:

The new tech loving Police force, central Dubai,

Dear Infants:

@Koztah: I remember Darklands! I was only 6 when we got it though, so it was too complicated for me to get far in. I just remember doing something bad, getting thrown in jail, and trying to dig my way out with a spoon. I think I made it like 15% of the way out before dying of old age.

Some people, especially Gen-Y'ers, wonder why exactly their love for the JRPG has declined with each new iteration.

I suspect this will have a 50% chance of being awesome, and a 50% chance of being faux-intellectual game design posturing on the level of inter-religious debates.

Use book on erection

Funny this should be brought up... I'm actually going to be doing a good deal of 24-hour straight gaming sessions soon! It's a project I came up with. Will be both exhausting and exciting!

I game.

I find myself simultaneously agreeing completely with the author, but then also questioning why this is an article about violence, and not about shoddy game design in general (which is actually what he is writing about, whether or not he realizes it).

I make-uh da post about Minecraft, you make-uh da article about Minecraft.

Make me a Bayonetta couch please

@salaminizer, it's a me the: I remember exactly that during the open beta/demo period! Luckily, as soon as it started getting old, Left 4 Dead came out. PERFECT timing!

I realize how trolltastic this sounds, but playing Heavy Rain made me compulsively laugh on an almost minute-to-minute basis.

Anyone else excited about Minecraft? Been playing it like a fiend. I'm building a fortress into the side of a mountain!


You've got it wrong. It's a sword that doubles as a 3D Dot Game Heroes sword!