
Lucky mammoth.

True. Manipulative people suck.'re scolding sampling bias while pointing to this one website as evidence for your accusations of sampling bias? Hmm....

Or Jeff is just bad at choosing anonymizing usernames :P

Yeah, I'd have to agree with you on this one. The only thing complicated is his premeditated cheating. He had to know what he was doing if he lied about his girlfriend to this other girl, and now he's trying to cover it all up? Pathetic. Guys like this give the rest of us a bad image.

My girlfriend and I do the long-distance thing, and although it's hard, it's not impossible to convey what you think, feel, and mean over a text. You just have to be descriptive and not worry about sending 3-or-4-page texts if need be.

Ah, okay. I was about to mention the 100km line as well. So it's not really a space jump, just a stratosphere jump. I am disappoint :( .

So Kinect + Digits = Full motion sensing including fingers? Cool.

That's preventing kids from learning about virtual photons and the explanation for magnetism that's been around a loooongggg time now. You're depriving children of their education. SHAME ON YOU, SIR.

Finally, the hover text is included! That should be mandatory WHENEVER an XKCD comic is posted!

Let's see...what do I use handwriting for?...

Then they are a douche. Simple question, simple answer.

I'm not sure you understand the concept of cost-effectiveness...

Three wavelengths that together span the entire visible spectrum. If you block red, green, and violet light, that's a huge chunk of the eye's visible information gone.

Again, there were two other links in this comments thread alone. Look at those as well.

What the...Who the hell are you? XD

I wouldn't want a pilot flying blind. Sorry, I don't trust instruments as much as eyesight.

I didn't have to. And you didn't have to chime in, either. The magic of comments is that it's the place where people can give their own thoughts and opinions, even if other people think they're useless.

Hmm...I'm almost to that level. I think I've been IceMetalPunk for about 10 years, so another 2 years and I can say it's been half my life :) .

I didn't say that, now did I? How can you get mad at me for words you made up? I said you're an addict if you think you can't enjoy life without smoking or drinking. And that came about because you told me "I certainly hope you find a way to enjoy life someday, and stop fearing everything in it just because you don't