I've been IceMetalPunk since I started using the Internet. The only time I've been anything different was when I left AOL, but still used AIM, and it wouldn't let me keep the same username. So I changed to CrazyMetalPunk instead.
I've been IceMetalPunk since I started using the Internet. The only time I've been anything different was when I left AOL, but still used AIM, and it wouldn't let me keep the same username. So I changed to CrazyMetalPunk instead.
I already did! There are two links to sources posted in the comments of this article alone. Just because you're not willing to find the sources doesn't mean they don't exist.
I already gave support. I did post a link showing the health dangers of marijuana. It's somewhere in this thread, so you can look for it if you like. It has lasting detriments on memory, learning, and estimation of time, all things important to keep you and others safe.
And again, I've said it should be illegal in my opinion, even though I know it will never be. Meanwhile, marijuana already is, and it isn't backfiring as badly as prohibition did, so it's worth taking a stand on.
That returns completely after you're sober? No, not at all. The studies show just the opposite: that the effects on memory and learning, as well as estimation of time and distance, last long after you've stopped smoking. In fact, as far as any studies show, although it doesn't get much worse once you've stopped…
Why the hell do you keep mentioning alcohol? I've already said I hate drunkenness and would be in favor of outlawing alcohol as well if there were any chance of that ever happening. Have I been drunk? Yes. And I hate it. Do I still drink? Occasionally, yes. Do I think I should stand up for the rights of people to get…
Are you saying suicide should be legal, then? It doesn't hurt anyone except the person who decided to do it. They can do it in their own home without affecting other people. The few cases where other people do get hurt by a botched attempt can be chalked up to "people fucking something up and penalizing you for it".…
They're not designed to multitask well, no. But they do. And if you're, say, driving a car, or studying with other things around you, or crossing a street while talking to someone, at least partial multitasking is required. In two of those cases, it's life-or-death.
Whoever said they can't skew results? I'm not a naive idiot. But when many different studies and experiences support the ill effects of marijuana, and only a handful of personal accounts reject it, I believe the thing with the most evidence.
I look at it the same way. Except in reverse. I don't think "if alcohol is legal, then marijuana should be". I think "if marijuana is illegal, then alcohol should be". I just don't fight for alcohol prohibition because that's a losing battle, whereas marijuana is currently illegal, so there's at least some chance of…
And yet those goggles don't exist. Wonder why? Maybe because it would be almost blinding! You couldn't see red, green, or blue light. It wouldn't be completely black, but it would obscure the pilot's vision to the point of being very unsafe to fly.
The..."laser spectrum"? In other words, the entire electromagnetic spectrum? Sorry, I don't want pilots flying blindfolded, thanks.
Congratulations on having amazing self-control. I'm sure you wouldn't blow someone up if you had a grenade, but that doesn't mean we should make grenades legal. Likewise, just because YOU seem to have great self-control while under the influence doesn't mean most people would, and it doesn't constitute a reason to…
I agree that by that definition, marijuana shouldn't be classed as schedule I. However, I still don't think it should be legal.
Yeah, that's kind of what porn is about...screwing people attached to tits...
Do you really think that's a valid argument? "If you do this before having sex, it feels really good for both of you, so clearly doing this in any situation isn't harmful"...if you really don't see why that makes no sense, then there's no point debating with you since you don't understand how logic works.
...you can guarantee with your sober mind that when your brain is being manipulated by chemicals which affect your attention, learning ability, and judgment, you will always make the safe choice? How the hell can you do that? That's like saying I can guarantee that if I run across the road blindfolded I'll never get…
Awesome :) . Save the tits!
I don't know if you understand how significant numbers work, but although "thousandths less" seems small, it was significant enough for the researchers to conclude that it's a problem. Just because something looks small doesn't mean it is.
I might have gotten the wrong official stance....I'm not an expert on gun technique. I just remembered that stance being tested, and I remember them saying the sideways gunshot was terrible but the official stance (whichever it was) was the best.