
The record isn’t the TAS, the TAS is the perfect run that a human could theoretically achieve.

Real time speedruns are sitting down and playing the piano. Tool-assisted speedruns are creating the composition on rolls and playing them back on a player piano. They’re not even trying to compete with one another.

I’m not so concerned about DLC right now, I just want Pokémon HOME access for BDSP and Arceus. And for Sword/Shield to add the full National Pokédex.

Much to the bitching and moaning of every alt-right “gamer” who’s going to cry “censorship

I just don’t understand why they can’t play their Thursday night games coming off their bye weeks? You’d have to wait to start the Thursday games until the 5th week of the season, so I’m sure that’s the reason, but it’s better than trash football and stacks of injured players.

Dragon quest V had an amazing story. Still love it to this day

You think Punk is a Christian gimmick? You have no idea what straight edge is do you.

Indeed. And Mormonism is a cult

“the church does not want a situation where a family, gay or otherwise, is broken up because the children joined the church.” Then why allow kinds of any other faith to join if both parents don’t? The church thinks homosexuals are icky and they don’t want the idea that they are normal people to infect the flock.

I just wanted to say I respect this response. It’s good to see people who can recognize the good and the bad sides of an institution, even when it’s an institution they believe is divinely inspired. I’m a former member of the LDS church, and can certainly recognize the good that the church does in many areas. My

you hit the nail on the head. there is something absolutely different about the way LDS families treat their mixed faith members. they shun them, treat them as less than and shame them.

Ooh, this one is a doozy. Let’s get the ball rolling:

Lying about contributions and then admitting it once publicly proven to be lying does not comply with ethics. Having to pay a fine means not having complied either with ethics or law.

Now playing

I would say that about 50% or less of the people who attend my local congregation pays a full tithe. Yes, we consider it a commandment. And honestly, I believe I’ve seen divine intervention in my life for having paid it.

We can discuss the merits of gay marriage forever. 

If your policy on something causes the breakup of families, perhaps it’s time to re-examine that policy.

It was not directed by the leadership of the church.