You seem pretty outraged by a perceived outrage.
You seem pretty outraged by a perceived outrage.
Wanting to be considered equal doesn’t mean they wouldn’t accept treatment that puts them on more even ground. You’re conflating wanting equal treatment and wanting fair treatment. Someone that is handicapped wants to be treated like an equal but wouldn’t be against using handicapped spots. Some might but not all…
I see what you did there. You decided that swapping something in to show the injustice is a fair judgement of how unjust it is when it really isn’t.
If you don’t see it then you are closing your eyes to it and ignoring it. In other words you’re the stereotype of a white conservative. You only see things that affect you. Christians in North America getting killed for being Christians more than LGBT? Yeah that’s clearly not true. You just refuse to believe…
That reminds me. I really wanted to see more Crossroad. Maybe doesn’t have to be a tv series but a series of a few more shorts would have been nice.
Oh, I didn’t realize you expected liberals to be monolithic in opinions on everything. The fact is a lot of liberals were willing to come down hard on one of their shining stars. It’s ridiculous to act like liberals monolithically believe that Clooney is “sacrosanct”. You’re just bitching about something you made up…
Mediocre? Hahahaha. Okay, bud. People are free to not like In-N-Out but to call it mediocre completely degrades the term mediocre. In the grand pantheon of fast food burgers you think In-N-Out is middle of the pack? That’s insane.
There’s a big difference between being conservative and donating thousands of dollars to the GOP.
In-N-Out is entirely privately owned. There aren’t individual chain owners.
Sacrosanct? Come on, man. If Al Franken isn’t invulnerable to scrutiny by liberals then you can’t claim Clooney is. That’s just making up ridiculous bullshit to complain about.
Plenty of people are paying 60 dollars for a PS4 controller. It’s MSRP. That’s such an ignorant statement it’s not even funny. Either way, it’s weird that you’re comparing discount pricing of one thing to full price of the other. Switch Pro controllers often get sold for cheaper as well.
So do you equally get mad at people who get outraged by the war on christmas but aren’t outraged by religious persecution of muslims?
TIL 60 dollars is almost half of 70 dollars.
You’re basically trying to shit on people over the assumption that they would shit on Christians for being offended over someone breaking the second commandment. You’re expressing false outrage over a hypothetical situation.
A childhood where you watched a Christmas classic.
Way to express false outrage over something that you don’t give a shit about. If you were actually offended I’d apologize but you’re clearly not. You’re just doing the exacf shit you’re complaining about.
I find it hilarious and sad when people bring up reverse is not true scenarios to point out perceived injustice. It’s like “why is it okay for a poor and starving child to steal an apple but it’s not okay for a hungry rich man to steal an apple?” Why do you act like power dynamics aren’t a factor in considering how…
It’s not that long of a logic train at all. It’s me breaking it down for people who have a hard time understanding. The logic train is literally “who is it making fun of?” That’s literally one step.
You don’t have to be offended to have some fucking empathy. Jesus Christ, man. I’m not saying you need to be offended. I’m saying that if you have a hard time understanding why people might take issue with something think about it a bit. That doesn’t mean “you should be offended, too”.
Your post is literally the kind of shit white people said about black people during the civil rights movement.