
I’m sorry you grew up around Sandusky. Did he ever touch you in your no-no place?

It holds 7-8 yards? Houses must have some tiny-ass yards where he lives.

Close call, eh?

Sure, Vettel finishes the fastest ever and everyone praises him. I finish the fastest ever, and my girlfriend talks about no stamina, can’t keep it up, can’t satisfy her, yadda yadda. What a stupid double standard!

Shaqtin’, you rule!

It’s Australia. How will it try to kill me?

How many barbers would Skip Barber skip if Skip Barbers could barber Skip?

Bravo to Ford for making a lucid decision!

That was shocking!

We will definitely not lose any guns to ISIS? Bullshit! Bullshit!

If the car had held it together, the driver wouldn’t have had to hold it together.

I can’t wait for the hot takes on this story!

Alcohol is banned on board Navy vessels. The exception (on carriers, at least) is that if you are going to be at sea for 60 days straight, on day 45, you can get 2 beers. The guys who didn’t drink were selling their beer chits for $100 each.

A matchup against Fordham University is a big FU.

That is the best integration of a paint job with a car design I have seen for a while. Viva RB13!

88, the favorite number of President Bannon.

Hey, I gave my girlfriend a tiny dong last night!

This looks like me trying to pick up women at the bar on Friday nights >.<

Dodge Nitro? Not happening