Do you live on Hoth?
Do you live on Hoth?
This is a perfect storm. I hope they thrash the hell out of him, and his action brooks no appeal.
At least the Belgians didn’t waffle on poutine their best foot forward
I haven’t seen a hand grab a ball like that since the Lance Armstrong sex tape leaked!
“It” is referring to his penis, right?
Nolan Ryan is unimpressed
It’s a ship. Boats are for those nutbag bubbleheads who are trapped inside vessels that sink.
Ragnar still have better grammar than many Deadspin commenter’s.
I thought a Cerean day was Bashar al-Assad killing 24 people.
Things you are not first at: grammar and spelling.
Of course he was pissed off. Look at that stupid arrow floating above his head. I don’t blame him.
So they should celebrate Christmas again?
So they are rolling the dice and gambling that they can change the law?
Can we stop with the size shaming already? My girlfriend is always complaining about mine and it gives me a sad :(
The last time I complained about my 4 inches getting jammed up, my girlfriend broke up with me :(
Robin Lopez is unimpressed
As opposed to all the poor, well-mannered royals in the Middle East?
Peter North is jealous of that facial!
Try being a Patriots fan! We only have 4 rings instead of 6 in the last 14 years, the commish is out to get us and our WR and RB depth will prevent us from repeating as champs. We are the true victims! #patslivesmatter