
The Adventures of the S-Team was the longest running superhero webcomic done in LEGO. 1500 strips from beginning to end. Www.ianthealy.com/comic

The Adventures of the S-Team was the longest running superhero webcomic done in LEGO. 1500 strips from beginning to end. Www.ianthealy.com/comic

Nice idea, but snowplows would destroy them.

Whenever my wife, who is nine inches shorter than me, asks me to reach something for her, my standard response is to not get up from whatever it is I'm doing and instead say "Grow taller."

May I suggest X-O Manowar (from Valiant comics)?

Full of eels.

Meanwhile, these guys are still languishing with us all wondering if Gary is the only one left alive. THANKS SYFY

5. Hookers and blow. Can't believe I left that step out...


There's no more oil. Also, bad GMOs. And politics. And the title character is kind of minor.

Wild Cards were very inspirational for me in creating the Just Cause Universe.

"Darwin Day" is being officially considered by Congress!

Short answer: Six Seasons and a Movie.

I am humbled. But then, maybe Capaldi will be branching out into some of the other Venusian disciplines. Venusian savate, anyone? I'd pay real money to watch him perform Venusian capoeira.

As long as Capaldi's Who is also an expert in Venusian jiujitsu, I'm down.

In 1989, one of my favorite pastimes was to drive up to the NCAR parking lot to watch storms on the Eastern plains and make out with my girlfriend, not necessarily in that order.

I maintain that a medical space opera based upon James White's fantastic Sector General novels would make for a widely attractive primetime series. You've got the medical mystery shows that might attract the mainstream (read: non-SF but curious) viewers, the adventures/misadventures of a lovable group of human/alien

I catch someone on my family with this one every year: "When birds fly in a V, one leg is always longer. Know why that is?

Boston only ever had two songs. One was called Uptempo Rocker and the other was called Midtempo Rock Ballad. drops mic, leaves stage