
Boston only ever had two songs. One was called Uptempo Rocker and the other was called Midtempo Rock Ballad. drops mic, leaves stage

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Obligatory Colorado pot reference from obligatory Colorado reader:

I was annoyed by the lack of modern communication devices on the CDC team, the unwillingness to call for additional support in the face of an unknown, deadly contagion, the guy intending to ride a snowmobile 200 miles without hat or a heated trailer full of fuel, and that if it was bright and sunny at one point, that

Remember the John Wesley Shipp Flash TV series? 90s-level effects, and yet we got superpowers every single episode and although a lot of the series hasn't aged well I'm looking at you, Mark Hamill) the effects still look pretty good. It's not a budget issue in my opinion, it's writers and especially producers who

I read and reread the Chronicles of Prydain often as a child. Although now I'm far more into science fiction than fantasy, I have very fond memories of this series.

I call shenanigans.

Pop Pop!

In Russia, Ganymede targets you.

No love for DC Comics' Skartaris of the Warlord series?

If you watch the scene carefully, they redubbed Sigourney Weaver's line. If you watch her lips, she doesn't say "forget it," she says "fuck that." Little known facts about who gives a darn. :-)

Apologies in advance for tooting my own horn here, but I wrote this space opera starring a fifty-something year-old, out-of-work male porn star. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009ZJ74K6/

tl;dr version: Story and character are what matters.

Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Silly autocorrect changed Jalopnik to Gizmodo. THAT'S MY STORY AND I'M STICKING TO IT

Gizmodo would have extensive features in how to customize your vehicle to survive the upcoming fuel shortage and subsequent gang wars.

Namor, clearly.

I'd like to suggest that the show Arrow is doing a bang-up job virally marketing upcoming shows like The Flash through tidbits on news programs in the background and such.

Please, please, please. I don't care if it's Vic Sage or Renee Montoya. I just want the character to have an Arrow-esque show. It would be a great Gothic crime drama.

4) He was a staunch opponent of cannibalism.

That's not the correct piece. It's the same piece that sits over the front wheel. See the slots? There's a doohickey going through them to hold it in place.

Indiana Jones and The Kessel Run