
I'll jjust leave this here.

Cover the origin in the first 5 minutes. Or better yet, begin the action with Wonder Woman appearing and doing battle with, say, a minion of the big bad. Then fold her origin into a short flashback. Keep the story moving and anchored in the present. Introduce the Big Bad early and don't try to make him or her or it

"A shit is clearly what I do not give."

Cale Tucker from Titan A.E. It's HIS turn to fly.

Even if said "spaceship" has a big ass.

Or you can just plan to have the house on wheels from the get-go.

Shorter Alan Moore: "I HATE EVERYTHING!"

It's getting there, I swear on Rorshach's unmarked grave!

It's getting there, I swear on Rorshach's unmarked grave!

We'll talk.

It has gotten quite a bit scruffier in the past few months. I quit shaving altogether around the end of the summer. As for the soul-piercing quality, I figure a cosplay allows me some room for interpretation. :D

I'm going to cosplay as Alan Moore at my next con. I've already got the hair and the beard. I just need to add a t-shirt that says I HATE EVERYTHING and the resemblance will be unmistakable!

I like how Arrow is subtly bringing superpowers into the fold. They keep mentioning the particle accelerator on Channel 52 in what seems like throwaway reports, but we all know that it's going to give somebody superpowers (The Flash?). The Miraculo supersoldier serum of the Japanese suggests we'll see Hourman before

There's only one way to grok.

If any girl eyefucked me the way Felicity smolders at Oliver, I'd need to change pants a lot. Just saying.

Sure there are, if you ever had any Star Wars sets with Lando Calrissian or any of the NBA Basketball sets. When I did my LEGO webcomic (http://www.ianthealy.com/comic) I had to actually order some brown-skinned heads for a couple of my main characters.

Now playing

For reasons I can't explain, this post made me think of this video.

This reminded me of this, for reasons I just can't quite explain.