
Wild Cards novels edited by George RR Martin, Santiago by Mike Resnick.

"Watch out for that black h—"

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Tom Lehrer had a lyric in "In Old Mexico" that went:

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I can think of a few ways to turn a profit using a black hole. Unfortunately, most of them have the rather nasty side effect of destroying the Earth. Hmmm. Maybe Dr. Evil was onto something after all.

These guys. Best buddy movie with giant guns ever.

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Matt K, I feel your pain. I finally started my own publishing company for my superhero fiction. The Just Cause Universe series is available from Local Hero Press, and the fourth book in the series releases next month!

I think this picture may have been Shopped.

And Insane Clown Posse can pop by to discuss magnets and how they work.

How did you forget Thomas Dolby?

How did you forget this one?

"Channel 52" is a short feature in the back of DC Comics, where a news team (including Ambush Bug and Calendar Man!) tease happenings in the DCU. It was a clever shout-out.

Galilean Moons of Jupiter, except of course Europa. We should attempt no landings there.

Travel forward in time at a faster rate than 1 second=1 second.

Then I guess I'll turn over a new leaf. :-P

Take a bough for that one. You earned it.

Don't worry, everyone. I'm sure the US government will unite and save us all. Yep, I'm sure. Totally certain.

I imagine a good number of sci-fi fans have read Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. If you haven't, I highly recommend it. What Falling Skies really needs is an Archangel Michael moment. You know, not just a bunch of scruffy humans fighting a losing ground war with the occasional unlikely missile attack

Wild-ass non-canonical theory: Black Canary is Sarah Lance. Discuss, refute, support, or dismiss as you see fit.

I have on my bookshelf right now three Tom Swift, Jr. books (set in the '50s, all by Victor Appleton II): Tom Swift and his Flying Lab, Tom Swift and his Jetmarine, and Tom Swift and his Rocket Ship. I believe these belonged to my father when he was a boy.