
51st state North Colorado will cheerfully join any war you wage, so long as it's against mooslims, furriners, or those damn socialist hippies.

Heroes. I'd have made it not suck. I can't get the uploader to work on my phone, so here's a link to the logo.

Heroes. I'd have made it not suck. I can't get the uploader to work on my phone, so here's a link to the logo.

Patrick Swayze said he wants you to be nice.

Patrick Swayze said he

I really, really, REALLY hope this isn't bullshit.

Agents of SHIELD, episode 2. This show...I just feel like it should be better. It's not bad, but it's lacking in heart and soul.

I was just going to yell about Alphas. I'm glad you did. The train station full of (presumably) dead people, including the entire cast, with Gary wandering through it while Simon and Garfunkle's "The Only Living Boy in New York" played? That's like a nightmare given form.

Surprisingly, sometimes it's okay to use adverbs. #writer

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What's the over-under on Godzuki showing up?

Next time you're in Colorado Springs, visit the Garden of the Gods. Truly astonishing geologic features.

Consider this, though. "Objects in Space" was the 14th (and unfortunately, final) episode of Firefly. Rape/rape threats were not used for character development shortcuts before that point. And really, the characters were very well defined by then. The truth is that rape happens whether it's put into stories or not,

At least it's close, because the Sun orbits the Earth and is the same size as the Moon.

On an aside note here... Pretty much all of my superhero novels have strong female protagonists, and I'm proud of the way they've been received by readers. Maybe some filmmakers need to read my stuff. Lol.

Another thing to avoid is the rape/threat of rape trope. So many writers - especially male writers - use this as a shortcut instead of actual character development. "Oh, she's like this because of rape and what more do you need besides a tight top?" Total lamesauce.

Also very important: Don't make rape/threat of rape an important plot point. This is a shortcut far too many writers - especially male writers - take instead of character development. "She's this way because of rape." That's lamesauce.

Also very important: Don't make rape/threat of rape an important plot point. This is a shortcut far too many writers - especially male writers - take instead of character development. "She's this way because of rape." That's lamesauce.

My folks live in Boulder, on a hill (not THE Hill, but whatever), and it was raining so hard and fast that their basement had some flooding in it anyway, because the water couldn't drain downhill fast enough. Crazy weather, to follow up a crazy early fire season and crazy hot summer. Global warming? Sounds like a