
Maybe you'd feel better about if she'd been making Clooney a sandwich when everything went balls-up?

Esther doesn't exactly LIKE Arrow. Let's say she tolerates parts of it and leave it at that.

Worfhouse 13

Today on io9...

Well I guess that...

Not pictured: starving populace.

I was waiting to see if someone else would post Pete and Myka. These two are closer (and by extension, Artie, Claudia, and Steve) than most lovers or families.

Beard regrowth settings from leastest to mostest: Hipster, Douchey Hipster, Child Molester, Trucker, Douchey Trucker, ZZ Top, Greg Zanon, Gandalf, Dumbledore.

Albino/not albino

"a futuristic assassin who's part wolf and part albino"

"Help, I'm a tiny little baby shark that got swallowed by a medium-sized shark! Is there anyone out there who can do something about it?"

Coming soon from Asylum: SHARK SWARM! A SyFy Original Movie.

The distinctive lack of anything resembling The Incredibles 2 is making me haz a sad.


This can needs to be in a Chopped basket. You'd have contestants walking off the set in protest.

"Gorp." #Boulderhippie

I yelled out right before Action Kindergarten Alexis walked out "She's gonna be all growed up because the writers think we never saw V: The Final Battle." I was soooo disappointed to be right.

I believe I spotted ED-209, and that one-eyed robot Beezer from Eric Larson's VANGUARD comic. #esoterica