
I would love to see some of these grand ideas transpire during my lifetime. There are a lot of visionaries in private industry that might just pull it off while congress is debating whether or not to fund the government. Poor NASA. r

Yeah, remember the old Sci Fi Channel? *grumblemuttergripecomplain*

Also, I want, nay, demand an Ambush Bug show!

Seems to me the Lois Lane character would be perfect as a story arc on Arrow. Here's the pitch: Hard-hitting investigative reporter Lois Lane travels to Starling City with one mission: find the Hood and get an exclusive interview. Over the course of her arc, she breaks through firewall after firewall in her pursuit of

This is, as far as I can tell, the best reason to have a literary agent. Short of achieving the unlikely repeat success enjoyed by Hugh Howey with Wool, we independents are stuck scrabbling for scraps like the poor unwashed Earthlings of Blomkamp's Elysium.


I think overall, this season has been superior to the first two. Caveat: OVERALL. Yes, there have been some real stinkbombs let loose this season, but there have also been some really strong character moments from most of the main cast members. To me, that's an impressive feat considering the size of this ensemble

Also: Ron Mexico.

I'm holding out for the introduction of The Question (either the Vic Szasz or Renee Montoya version) into the Arrowverse. The character would fit perfectly into the gray-area darkness of the Starling City vigilantes.


It was actually one of the inspirations for me when I wrote Hope and Undead Elvis.

After I saw this the first time, I was thinking "The hell did I just watch?" But still, pretty cool notion. Close second would be the Chad movie (I forget which Chad and am too lazy to look it up) Highway to Hell, with Gilbert Gottfried as Hitler and the Hellcop.

El SuperBatso!

You know what I'd like to see? Sky High: The Series. Superpowered teenagers. With costumes. And outlandish, effects-laden superpowers. Fighting supervillains with henchmen in jumpsuits. Come on, don't pretend we wouldn't all watch the shit out of that.

Shorter io9: What does Mach 1 (or 2 or 3) mean?

The main problem we'll run into is that Mars is running Magrathea Vista, and it's just all screwed up.

I'm going to go with Santiago by Mike Resnick for several reasons. First of all, it's a fun, easy read without a lot of scary complicated concepts for a new reader. The themes in it will be familiar to pretty much anyone (bounty hunters seeking the greatest criminal of all, the reporter who will do anything for a

"Only to be used on aggressive aliens with chitinous carapaces." #ThanksNASA

