
Charlie Jane, you win all the internets today for name-dropping the Ultraverse! I have a bunch of those worthless rags in one of my comic boxes, along with Dark Horse's Comics' Greatest World and Valiant Comics. Ah, the rigoddamndiculous '90s! What a shiny, armored, poorly-drawn, guns-that-shoot-swords,

Or an atl-atl.

If Walt from Breaking Bad was a cat, he would be the one at the top of this article. Somebody make a meme post-haste!

This is the first book in the long running series, but I always thought the Sector General novels would make a really compelling science fiction comedy-drama. Networks like doctor shows. Maybe we could sell them on this one. Like House meets Scrubs...IN SPACE!

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!

Yes, absolutely. As long as they proved not belonged to them. I'd hate to deface the wrong unit. Lol.

I actually sell signed ebooks direct. Yeah, it's a scanned signature, but it's MY signature and you can't buy the signed edition anywhere but from me. That's something, right? And if someone asked, I'd even write a custom dedication and scan that too. Custom ebooks are easy to produce.

Don't worry, Floridians. I'm sure your legislators are already working on a law to outlaw rising sea levels, a la North Carolina. Thank goodness for them looking out for you! http://www.examiner.com/article/nasa-t…

I would love for an upcoming movie to be the next Incredibles. I submit for your consideration The Incredibles 2. Haven't we seen enough sequels to superhero movies now that there are tropes which Pixar could explore and turn on their amazingly-rendered ears?

I thought maybe it had something to do with Al Anon? 6 years sober?

And the world collectively yawned, awaiting instead the Season 2 premiere of Arrow. I've been a DC guy for decades, and the current universe is about as dull as anything. I AM DISAPPOINT

Datak reminds me of another SF character who developed tremendous depth and became fascinating over time: Ambassador Lonndo Mollari on Babylon 5. Despite some early missteps and occasional HURRDURRRR writing, Defiance is becoming the show we all hoped it would be with far more hits than misses.


"Crater" and "water" should really rhyme with each other. Annoying English is annoying.

Quit being so coy with your feelings about the show. How are we supposed to know what you really think?

Ennnh, buckle this!

Putting in my two cents here: