
Seems to me that in a post-apocalyptic setting where humans are frankly competing with multiple other races to regain control of their homeworld that sexual hangups is something they just can't afford. I'm just guessing here that birth control isn't used very often (except perhaps by professionals or in areas where

They cram so much plot into an hour of this show that it's ridiculous. We get to the second commercial break and we're like, "This has to be the end for this week, right?" And there's still another thirty minutes to go. This show is like a season-long seminar in pacing, escalation, and plotting. Other writers should

The great thing about this one was that anyone who's seen '80s cop shows/movies could pretty much pick every beat as it happened, but the filmmakers really did them justice. Excellent work!

Hands down, Karl Schroeder's Virga from the series of the same name. Some of the most amazing worldbuilding I've ever read.


What, no Token Badass Black Guy, no Token Asian Hacker Guy? What is this, the 1950s?

Now playing

Every anime opening ever. *drops mic, walks off stage*

I really wish they'd done away with the bulk of the sound effects. Yeah, noise is grand and exciting and everything, but how much more terrifying would it be if you could only hear what the astronauts would hear: their own breathing, sound conducted through their suits, their radios, and that's all. I seem to recall

It's been far too long since the Warehouse crew graced our screens. Having them back was like opening your refrigerator and discovering that hey, there's a whole pizza in there that wasn't there the night before. That's right: Warehouse 13 is like the Pizza Fairy.

Speaking of the Fantastic Four, I was discussing them with my youngest son the other day. He accidentally transposed a couple of letters and inadvertently created one of the best porn names I've ever heard: Fister Mantastic. I'm thinking if I write a sequel to STARF*CKER, this guy needs to be in it.

This week's episode was pretty bad. Last week's gave me hope as it was significantly improved over the pilot. Now I'm back to "just one more bad one and I quit watching" with Defiance. Life's too short to watch bad sci-fi, isn't it? Terra Nova and FlashForward lost out on the "too many bad episodes" thing for me. Am


I would read the hell out of that.

This is an outstanding show. Every week I'll look down at the elapsed time bar for the episode and be shocked that I still have 20 minutes left. The blazing pace is enough to take your breath away, but it's written so well that I don't care. I really like how the way they're unveiling and deepening the mystery every

I might be going out on a limb here, but I'll bet he kept her around because funeral arrangements cost an arm and a leg. He was still working on the leg.

They should just release the hex holding the Demon Horse in place and let it go around tromping bunnies underneath its infernal hooves and incinerating them with its fiery breath.

I can just picture it: The Elemental Heroes get the call for help every episode, and every episode Protactinium sits up hopefully, then realizes he's completely useless and goes back to reading his technical journals in the hopes that someday he'll be needed for a real-world application.

Oh, man. It would have to be a Western, wouldn't it? Darn you, NBC. Now I'm going to have to watch it.


I got to throw my hat into the ring for Babylon 5. The huge, intricate plot arcs really benefit from back-to-back episode watching. High points include the epic, undefinable relationship (friends? enemies?) between Peter Jurasik's Londo Mollari and Andreas Katsulas' G'Kar. Plus, you've got some of the best space