Hmmm, so according to him, in about 30 years Oculus will sacrifice itself to destroy facebook....then probably get rebooted by Disney I guess. I'm down with that.
Hmmm, so according to him, in about 30 years Oculus will sacrifice itself to destroy facebook....then probably get rebooted by Disney I guess. I'm down with that.
Only if there's a forklift race
The Witcher 2.
Prey on the Amiga CD32 I took it back the day after buying it and bought RoadKill instead!
He's like "well I was just a bustin' up a chifforobe when Ms. Mayella Ewell came up".
I might be the only person on the internet who likes the Titanfall design.
I was playing off the author's own misspelling of Red Dead. Who exactly is the stupid one here again?
The question is: Would Read Dead be a spinoff for Typing of the Dead, or what?
They're just looking for some sailors.
Shadow Home Secretary Ed Balls?
And that's why I don't like cricket
Et tu Kotaku?
I can't wait for my future Xbox One to stop my shenmue 3 game with the error message "Could not find any sailors, try again later."
long long time reader, first time poster, feels good ! Anyway more to the point, surprised to see that Driveclub isn't on the list, despite other non-finished titles (eg infamous) being on display. Just how bad a shape must it be in?
Why is it that everyone these days seems to think "vs." is pronounced "verse?"
It's face and wet eyes look like the brain bug from starship troopers.
I was looking at the main guy's helmet and thinking how much it looks like Master Chief's helmet.
1) I still haven't got to the ending yet... I find my motivation lacking... which is a shame, if you had told me that when I first completed AC1 I'd have called you insane. I really loved that game.