Hmmm, so according to him, in about 30 years Oculus will sacrifice itself to destroy facebook....then probably get rebooted by Disney I guess. I'm down with that.
Hmmm, so according to him, in about 30 years Oculus will sacrifice itself to destroy facebook....then probably get rebooted by Disney I guess. I'm down with that.
Only if there's a forklift race
Prey on the Amiga CD32 I took it back the day after buying it and bought RoadKill instead!
He's like "well I was just a bustin' up a chifforobe when Ms. Mayella Ewell came up".
I might be the only person on the internet who likes the Titanfall design.
I was playing off the author's own misspelling of Red Dead. Who exactly is the stupid one here again?
The question is: Would Read Dead be a spinoff for Typing of the Dead, or what?
They're just looking for some sailors.
Shadow Home Secretary Ed Balls?
And that's why I don't like cricket
I can't wait for my future Xbox One to stop my shenmue 3 game with the error message "Could not find any sailors, try again later."
long long time reader, first time poster, feels good ! Anyway more to the point, surprised to see that Driveclub isn't on the list, despite other non-finished titles (eg infamous) being on display. Just how bad a shape must it be in?
Why is it that everyone these days seems to think "vs." is pronounced "verse?"
I was looking at the main guy's helmet and thinking how much it looks like Master Chief's helmet.
1) I still haven't got to the ending yet... I find my motivation lacking... which is a shame, if you had told me that when I first completed AC1 I'd have called you insane. I really loved that game.