
Perhaps Canada could remind us that the reason they had Harper for 9 years is because their liberals can’t agree on a single party to vote for, thus allowing Harper to win three elections with under 40% of the vote every time despite a solid majority of the country not wanting him to lead.

White privilege

can’t wait for the breitbart breaking news post exposing hillary as a ginormous

My sister, her partner, and I went out for Margarita Monday a while back. This sort of thing happened, and I was like ughhhhhh. They were both laughing like no big deal, we get this all the time. I wanted to cut people’s throats and they were dealing with it in their way by laughing and giving people the face. You

It was hibachi so it’s likely he was also their server, there are still the runners, bus people, and the host/ess to consider but even as a former food service person myself I am having a hard time having any sympathy for the restaurant. A server having a bad day is one thing, a server who sexually harasses and makes

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

First off, nobody mentioned actual violence by a pastor or other religious leader. You did. And show me one place in America that this has happened without law enforcement getting involved. One.

Um, so are babies. Their skull bones don't fuse for a good while after birth.

Detroit 2022!

Don't count out Lviv just yet. You're greatly underestimating Putin's desire to have Russia host the Winter Games twice in an eight-year span.

Now where do they fall on the chart?

When I saw the headline that's what I thought, "Oh they found a planet that's all desert with a breathable atmosphere." A gas giant around a binary star is more like a planet in a "Tatooine-like system" but the actual planet has very little similarity to Tatooine. A little disappointed.

And a single culture.

Now we need to find out if Kepler-16b has only one geographical terrain.

So when the cat hoarder dies and is eaten by her cats, as dictated by urban legend, that's *exactly what the parasites intended all along*?

"Toxoplasma makes the rat brain think it's sexually attracted to the cat."

wait'll they isolate the parasite that makes people Republican!