
So I will break it down in a top ten as I normally do on areas I would like to assert my opinion and clearly superior writing and intelligence skills as compared to this Dave Magary who I hope is make believe as I would push him over in his chair immediately to assert my dominance and supremacy like a lion does in the

The hottest of takes.

“No way a single jet could do that much damage.” - Pete Carroll

Saying he was sucker punched implies Smith didn’t throw any punches which I find hard to believe. Most likely he threw some but most of them landed 10 yards past Enemkpali or out of bounds.

Belechick’s got it all in his head.

“There’s too much time on the clock, Coach. If we give the ball back now, there’s a high probability Brady’ll just shred us again. We need to burn some time. Do a slant, and if it’s dropped, we’ll still have two chances to have Beast Mode pound it in, plus they’ll have less time to work with.

That’s not how you get participation banners

If I’ve learned anything from sports, it’s that you can’t just deck women at home and expect to get away with it.

I think we are fast approaching the requirement for 25/7, where people will be outraged if they don’t fly you back one time zone to pamper you just a little longer.

But tattoo artists constantly get requests for stupid tattoos that they’ll do, because almost 100% of tattoo ideas are stupid to begin with, but that’s how they make their money and earn their reputation. That brain looks like it’s on someone’s shoulder, and is shown for technical merit. The ice cream cone looks like

Thank you for saying what I wanted to say in a clearer, digestible way. I have a handful of tattoos, some highly visible, some more discrete. I was in for a touch up a few weeks ago (because I am old and have tattoos old enough to be faded and need touching up, which, for some reason, made me acutely aware of my own

Exactly. No necks and hands is a super common rule among artists, and many of them do it for personal reasons (ie. regret, whatever) and for protecting the shop (it opens up a certain amount of liability if someone claims down the line they can’t get a job because of a tattoo you did).

I understand why this was an upsetting experience, but tattoo artists refuse jobs all the time for all sorts of reasons. Many have a no necks, no hands policy - it’s quite common. And, as you discovered, what’s off-limits to one artist is totally okay with another - you were able to get exactly what you wanted in the

I meant if all those women did it together, they’d make something happen.

This. Thank you. She poses in a leotard on the cover of a magazine for glam shots after extensive plastic surgery, and we’re supposed to be shocked that people comment on her looks?

I dunno, I feel like Stewart is straining for a point here. Caitlyn has not yet proven herself to be smarter or kinder or more athletic or better at business or whatever than she was when she was called Bruce. Literally all we know is that she’s presenting as a woman now, looks great, and seems happy. What else are

“You guys cash those things?” - Rickey Henderson

Exactly. It’s what the market will bear. If people stopped going to games or paying high prices for tickets, it would be lower.

He’s not playing a game. He’s being paid to entertain paying customers. It’s no different than a movie star being paid to entertain movie goers. That’s the mistake fans keep making. They think professional athletes are playing a game.

What’re the chances he cut a deal where he accepts his penalties in exchange for a reduced suspension for Brady?