
I didn't have to raise hell, but, I did have to ask. I literally told the guy "Take my money!" He found a manager and obliged. I did troll him though, he said he was s Nintendo guy and I asked if there was a Hyrule Warriors release date. He'd never even heard of Hyrule Warriors. Without missing a beat I cokced my head

I didn't have to raise hell, but, I did have to ask. I literally told the guy "Take my money!" He found a manager

Hey Shane,

Hey Shane,

I actually grabbed it. Love it. The smart features kinds suck minus Netflix and I wish it had a browser, but I have Chromecast and a console so it's all I really need.

My little brother's would often button mash Voldo to similar effects.


I'd say Street Fighter anything, but if we're playing against death. I'm going Soul Calibur 2 and i'm taking Mitsurugi to the gates of Hell and back. XBOX GT Ihatefoxnews

I had the 46 inch a few years ago, but in the era of the SmartTV I wanted to make sure I got something that was futureproof ish...and yes I know it's not 4k.

Hey Shep,

The concept reminds me of that Doctor Who episode. " The Almost People" where humans make living plastic versions of themselves to do hazardous tasks for them.

Unless the pricing is absurdly consumer friendly, I don't think i'll end up buying EA sports. I barely get Madden and NCAA Football and that's only because they have exclusive licenses. Trying to force me to Pay for Baseball, Hockey and Soccer (though I do appreciate Fifa) is enough to make me drop EA Sports for good.