Really, North Dakota
Really, North Dakota
It was a reference and a bad joke... I love Tom Hanks he is great. Just watched the Money Pit this weekend for the unknown Xth time.. Fantastic movie.
Anything he does is great. He is one of those actors that can act his way out of a nutsack (unlike Tom Hanks;-).
Indiana Jones: The Vampire Archaeologist
Is it pronounced, Frah-kin-Steen or Franken-Stein?
All I can think of is the leaping guy in the very front... Rapunzel! (ala Johnny in Airplane)
This gif plays perfectly to the song in the video.
Gawd I miss that show. Bob's Burgers is like this show where it grows on you. This show though... Man..., yeah thats the ticket.
hahah WTF, this for some reason makes me happy.
I watched the video, then a few minutes later tried again and NOPE.
I was hoping for an animated gif... ;-(
I was hoping for animation.
Thanks, I just spent 30 mins of my morning looking at vines because of you and Groot.
Next your gonna tell me that this isn't Speilberg directing a Dinosaur.
Are you saying Darth Vader doesn't exist... That's like... That's like saying Wrestling is Fake.
Yea, I recognized it, and was like...HA! There's were its from.
Deer God thank you... I was ... the face I made was the same as when the guy saw the dead girl.
I want to watch this now.
I am afraid to ask, but... wa... wa... was that serious? It was a joke right?
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