
Yeah, that's what I meant. I'm heavily pierced and tattooed and I'm familiar with the aesthetic, but they could have done a more convincing job. It's all too bland and generic. As an artist.. just saying. I think small details like that can have a major impact in a movie, whether it's a small budget or a big budget

Are the piercings supposed to make her look badass and/or evil? Cause it's not working. This isn't 1990. I think I know what image they were trying to go for, they just didn't pull it off..

As far as I know, this is actually River talking, and not a quote, though that could be the case. But this is what she said, "When one’s in love with an ageless god, who insists on the face of a 12 year old, one does one’s best to hide the damage." S07E05, The Angels Take Manhattan. Scene: River explaining to the

Well, pedophilia and non-consensual sex is wrong. I'm not a Twilight fan but based on what I got from this article - and what I've heard from other people - is that their destiny is preordained, which doesn't really imply a sexual pedophiliac relationship. If the guy was going to marry this girl, why would he molest

I can see this going either really well or really bad. I'm definitely gonna be playing this though. To check it out at least.

Cliche but nice.

Does the male model come with the male bathrobe? If so, sold!

That last sentence, thought of the exact same thing. But anyway, these commercials aren't really for "thinkers." Which represents a good amount of the human population.

That scene where lady slasher and Pyramid Head were fighting was oddly erotic. It would have been cool to see Pyramid Head get slashed into bits though, kind of analogous to the praying mantis' breeding cycle where the female disembowels the male. Weird connections I know, but just thinking in a psychological horror

Ohhh.. so maybe that's where Lovecraft got the character "The High Priest Not to be Described"? It prominently appears in Dreamquest. He seems to be wearing the same garb as the character on the cover of The King in Yellow.

Big deal, my tongue is split too. I can't wait to see this movie though :)

Honestly, it was just as bad or as good as the previous movies. If you liked the previous movies, then you'll like this one. These movies are bad but they're fun.

Mars has the (not sure what the proper name for it is) paper talisman, Venus has the "Love Me" chain, Jupiter has the same shoes and has a masculine stance, Uranus has the Space Sword, Saturn has the Silence Glaive. Other than that it's just a more avant-garde look with subtle references to other things, like the

Really? Such a cheesy name for such a magnificent animal. Poor guys.

Weird, was just drawing some SM myself.

Has anyone explored the idea of maybe it has more to do with art than it does race? The root of beauty - the golden ratio, has proportions that are more pronounced in (most) white men and women than other races. And no I'm not white so it's not meant to be biased. But being an artist myself, there's a certain rhythm

I liked some of the stories. Not the best horror movie but it was a fun watch. I would have preferred a different ending that explained/connected things, not because it was difficult to comprehend, but it would have made the entire movie so much more interesting.

I took that into consideration as well. And as far as I can remember, he said he wouldn't be able to go back into their timeline because it's too distorted, or something like that. In the end though, it would be another paradox, which as previously stated, can't happen unless they want to destroy New York/Earth/Time

I don't know why people are having trouble with the ending. The Doctor saw Rory and Amy's gravre, meaning their fate is sealed. Te schrodinger effect. He knows that they die without any further contact with him, so therefore he can't change it. River's book was already a fixed point the same way Billy Shipton from

..but it's a kid's show.