
You mean a Hollywood experiment gone wrong.

You know if you track the coordinates, it seems as if that southern area of the Pacific is where it's coming from. Mid to South. Can't help but think of Lovecraft's own coordinates for R'lyeh.

Doesn't look alive. Looks like it's being artificially guided.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...!!!!!!!!! I wanted to buy it! I'm serious. I was gonna name it Cerbrerus.

I agree with this. They "extended" the war at Hogwarts scene but they didn't really do a good job.. which is weird because I truly enjoyed the battle(s) at the Ministry of Magic in the Order of the Phoenix movie. They could have at least panned around a bit, and focused on different characters using different spells,

It is Russel....... they showed it in season 4... and Tara's coming back.. sorry.

Just curious: Wouldn't color variation and other personalization options make the product more attractive? Therefore help with sales a bit? Are US focus groups that boring? Geez. I'd be more interested in buying one if mine didn't look exactly just like everyone else's. Not that they should make TONS of colors.. but

Yeah... not to be a d*ck but.. can't you do this with any picture?

That's all it takes to get a job at Sony? Why didn't I join this?

Lol. Good job.

THIS SHOW IS TERRIBLE. I tried watching the first few episodes and it has no content for people who are.. well.. literate. This is the layman's fairytale story. Millions of dollars wasted on mediocrity. Then again, I guess that's how the world functions.

So Dream is part of this eh?

I'm not white (just for perspective) but I'd rather keep the Doctor white, but I would like to see a female Doctor (not the one from the old series.) It would be a hot thing considering he/she is still married to you know who... although, didn't the Doctor want to be a redhead at one point?

Seriously? People are dumb. That's a baton, so obviously it's a cop or a security guard. And obviously he's doing this for fun, and he's either having someone record this or doing it himself knowing he will have an audience. I hope he gets bit by a poisonous snake while attempting this in a future situation.

Didn't the Doctor want to be a redhead? Whatever happened to that?

Who cares? As long as they're attractive and buff, right Hollywood? Besides, the odds of them casting an Asian person as a lead? Pfft.. Yeah right. Hollywood has no soul, only greed.

How did he get a whale shark in a "decidedly unnatural setting"? I assume it's a baby? These are pretty exotic animals.. connections I guess? Or money? They're beautiful, but I'm just curious.

/Semiofftopic/ I get an electrical tickle (like holding your arm against the tv) when I sense people are in a room or are about to touch me without knowing it - does that have anything to do with this?

Eventually there will be horse-like quadrupedal robots and they will be an alternative to cars/motorcycles.

Any chance we'll see Captain America and Thor make out? Fingers crossed!